Recent content by Keith Cocker

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  1. K

    For Sale Full workshop tools and equipment for sale - great opportunity for bargain

    Great - give me a day or so and I'll get the planes listed. Best wishes keith
  2. K

    For Sale Full workshop tools and equipment for sale - great opportunity for bargain

    Hello Nick, thanks for your kind thoughts. I'm happy to look at individual items. In terms of what you are interested in I have: Benchtop Pillar Drill - Axminster Craft AC315PD - Current Price new is £299...
  3. K

    For Sale Full workshop tools and equipment for sale - great opportunity for bargain

    Thanks Roy, I appreciate your thoughts. You are right, and I really wanted to test the waters. I'll take up your suggestion of listing some of the more significant items here over the next few days to give something more substantial for people to consider. best wishes Keith
  4. K

    For Sale Full workshop tools and equipment for sale - great opportunity for bargain

    Hello, since I retired 11 years ago I have enjoyed my hobby of woodworking very much. I have been lucky enough to build an excellent collection of good quality tools, equipment & machines. Unfortunately, last year I was taken seriously ill with heart problems. The NHS has done a wonderful job of...
  5. K

    Winter fuel Payments.

    What a throughly unpleasant view. There are many decent people on this forum and I have learned a great deal about woodworking but I've had enough of the small minded, ignorant bigots who, although in a minority, I'm fed up of hearing from. Its people like this who fuel prejudice and stupidity...
  6. K

    Labour's Employment Rights Bill

    Get a life man!!!
  7. K

    Labour's Employment Rights Bill

    I think that’s what Jacob said isn’t it?😀
  8. K

    Winter fuel Payments.

    What a bunch of moaners some people on this forum are. I don’t need the winter fuel allowance and never have and it can be put to better use by the government on our behalf. I’ve given mine to charity each year. By the way I suspect some of the same moaners voted Reform in the recent election...
  9. K

    US Election November 5th

    You really have all the cliches off pat! Well done. It beats thinking for yourself doesn’t it!
  10. K

    US Election November 5th

    Common Sense, Elites, Liberals - ah yes, it all fits.
  11. K

    US Election November 5th

    Then your perspective from Australia is extremely inaccurate.
  12. K

    Labour's Employment Rights Bill

    Definitely a contender for this weeks Farage award!