Recent content by joshvegas

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  1. J

    Red Handled "Footprint" wood chisels

    More pertinent question though. What sharpening workflow are you going to be providing. Unless they also have a workbench and any desire to do actual chisel stuff... I would probably just leave chisels out with the exception of old faithful the trim lifter and paint opener. Because that is...
  2. J

    Record High Speed Breast Drill

    The frame work looks alot like my goodell pratt which is the one bottom left in the french article. Thats got a diff type gear box thing to change speeds.
  3. J

    Chess Boards

    Surely a glassy smooth french polish is in order?
  4. J

    Old sharpening stone

    Have you checked for flatness with a feeler gauge?
  5. J

    Carving practice in MDF?

    I will give it one more go. A artist who predominantly paints in oils can learn much is their sketchbook with a box of charcoal. Its plainly nonsense to claim it serves no purpose to carve something in a different material. There is still plenty to learn from it, any muppet (including Jacob...
  6. J

    Carving practice in MDF?

    So its not a silly comparison then? Because that is exactly what i said. The question i asked is what is specifically bad about carving mdf. You seem pretty keen to knock Jacob who has pointed out more than once now that carving doesn't just mean carving wood, its nothing to do with whether...
  7. J

    Carving practice in MDF?

    Why is mdf specifically not suitable. Like specifically whats wrong with it of you want to do some carving as oppose to wanting to do some wood carving. A homogeneous material that cuts well with a sharp blade seems okay to me when i have doodled on it. For relief stuff anyway. Soap stone...
  8. J

    Concerns over wood columns supporting beams and floor joists

    That just looks like a stack of bricks next to a wall. Does the bedroom upstairs also slope? I would say yes get a structural engineer to have a look. It will be easier to put right the less it has moved and now you have seen it i doubt you will unsee it. And you might aswell do it properly.
  9. J

    Best value Dremel / Rotary Tool

    Hmmm. I have had three dremels they have all failed at the switch, which you can't fix. One was a warranty replacement. The final one was a different model and it did the same bloody thing. This was an occasional use tool, i really wouldn't rate Dremel as a quality brand in my experience...
  10. J

    Windsor Chair repair

    Yea thats them! Project guitar. And i think actually it was the blog i saw the planes and then realised you were the same person.
  11. J

    Windsor Chair repair

    Setch, di you used frequent a guitar building forum many years ago. Seem to recall a dinky set of luthier planes made by that username.
  12. J

    Yacht varnish indoors?

  13. J

    Continental European woodworking tools

    Scotland would like a word about all this English chat...
  14. J

    Yacht varnish indoors?

    Some might say thats a handy feature in a bed...
  15. J

    Sharpening for beginners

    I fall in the lazy camp. I distinctly remember being 16 or so and using my dads eclipse guide (he's a "wait until it can't cut jelly" wood butcher, so largely unused). It became apparent to me that i would not be sharpening if i had to faff about so much so i better learn how to do it on the...