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  • J
    johnnyb replied to the thread Mouseman making.
    I personally think there secret is retaining control of there material stocks. It's lovely stuff there working with and how it responds...
  • J
    johnnyb replied to the thread Mouseman making.
    Just watched that silent movie from blackswanwoid. Brilliant. Thoroughly enjoyable. I saw much assembling of mostly completed parts, no...
  • J
    johnnyb replied to the thread Mouseman making.
    I'm seeing the adzing as a surface finish rather than a method of manufacture. I'm slightly doubtful that these items would be handmade...
  • J
    johnnyb replied to the thread Skirting issues help.
    Use the thick one hour caulk. Toupret is brilliant for moulding repairs being quite slow to set. Foam filler cut back to allow 5 or 10mm...
  • J
    My makita is years old and natural movement/wear in the bearings means the splinter guard us basically that. It guards against long...
  • J
    johnnyb posted the thread Mouseman making in Hand Tools.
    I've just had a look at robert thompsons craftsmen. I began to think about how these are made and indeed the oak they use. They imply a...
  • J
    johnnyb replied to the thread Gate Design.
    Don't be to optimistic. I'm replacing some 8 inch oak post after 15 years. I snapped both with my bare hands! There being replaced wit 5...
  • J
    I'd suggest white spirit and some plastic wire wool on the undercarriage. Paint stripper on the top. Then consider oxalic acid(or bar...
  • J
    These were finished in wax on the undercarriage and ronseal varnish on tops.
  • J
    johnnyb replied to the thread Axminster prices.
    I think axminster have considerable goodwill capital in the UK being a generally great company. Its a shame that there struggling due to...
  • J
    Could Derek weigh in here being an expert on both psychology and woodwork!
  • J
    As ollie suggests using your hand and brain to make something is what separates humans from most animals. Every step has involved...
  • J
    johnnyb reacted to Ollie78's post in the thread Mental Health benefit of woodwork with Like Like.
    It is a bit of a double edged sword for me. I really do enjoy making things and to work with your hands and mind is basically what...
  • J
    I've got a little used bagpress I'd sell
  • J
    johnnyb replied to the thread MG Midget engine rebuild.
    Jizer is like water rinsable white spirit. Hot pressure wash then blow out with an airline with brake pipe extension. Rinse and repeat...