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  • J
    No problem, I only speak from experience of laser cutting and routing Acrylic. I was told and it seemed to be true that extruded was...
    • OOBALV3HC_01.JPG
  • J
    You may also find stress cracks appear over time along the cut edge, cast acrylic less susceptible than extruded acrylic.
  • J
    johnb80 reacted to Robbo3's post in the thread Joke Thread 5 with Haha Haha.
    There was this Chinese girl at a travel agency when I was in Shanghai, I asked her if she could escort me for a city tour and asked for...
  • J
    johnb80 replied to the thread Joke Thread 5.
    HAVE YOU GOT SEX INSURANCE? You can now get sex insurance in the UK from many different company’s. To help you get the correct...
  • J
    johnb80 replied to the thread The Cheapest Energy So Far.
    I changed personally on 1st September and my business premises on 28th October. My readings didnt go live on my home supply for about 16...
  • J
    johnb80 replied to the thread The Cheapest Energy So Far.
    There have been many discussions about the timing of the tariff periods. I came across this elsewhere:- "Hello everyone. My name is...
  • J
    There are two varieties of acrylic, cast and extruded. Cast Acrylic is more forgiving and less prone to cracking, extruded acrylic is...
  • J
    johnb80 reacted to Sam Kilby's post in the thread Smoking with Like Like.
    This is exactly the kind of equation that was missing from the original fact poster guy. The numbers dont mean anything in isolation...
  • J
    johnb80 reacted to Fergie 307's post in the thread Smoking with Like Like.
    The other point Dabop does not seem to appreciate is that the engine produces a greater volume of exhaust gas than the volume of air it...
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    johnb80 reacted to Terry - Somerset's post in the thread Smoking with Like Like.
    Assume an engine when running consumes all the oxygen in the air it ingests, and: 2.0 litre 4 cylinder engine idling speed 700 rpm gas...
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    johnb80 reacted to Jacob's post in the thread Smoking with Like Like.
    Poisoned by CO or suffocated by CO2 and lack of oxygen - it could be fatal to run a fuel burning device in an unventilated space...
  • J
    johnb80 reacted to Sam Kilby's post in the thread Smoking with Like Like.
    But I’m afraid the numbers you googled, do not show that. You are extrapolating, and making (quite wild) assumptions. The numbers show...
  • J
    johnb80 reacted to Fergie 307's post in the thread Smoking with Like Like.
    Unfortunately not. The reason being that the engine is actually much more efficient than we are at using the available oxygen. So yes...
  • J
    johnb80 reacted to Duncan A's post in the thread Smoking with Like Like.
    I have absolutely no desire to get into the unnecessarily antagonist debate above but I wondered if lack of oxygen to the car engine...
  • J
    johnb80 reacted to artie's post in the thread Smoking with Like Like.
    If the individual was inside the vehicle and it was pretty well sealed with a pipe from the exhaust, where the engine got it's oxygen...