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    • J
      Jeff4534 replied to the thread Bandsaw - £1-1.8k range.
      Thanks all, think I am heading towards the 14BX since quite a few have voted for it, and the wisdom is to buy slightly more than you...
    • J
      Jeff4534 replied to the thread Bandsaw - £1-1.8k range.
      I did see the Hammer quoted in some of the threads I read through, but I couldn't find a price anywhere, more of a "ask us for a quote"...
    • J
      Jeff4534 replied to the thread Bandsaw - £1-1.8k range.
      Thanks Spectric, the BS400 would be in my list, except it appears to be out of stock everywhere. My assumption is that is discontinued...
    • J
      Jeff4534 replied to the thread Bandsaw - £1-1.8k range.
      Thanks for the comments all. I did wonder about motor power. I have added the Laguna 14|BX to my list and it looks like the primary...
    • J
      Hello all, I have done my best to read all the old threads on this, but given the amount of money, I was hoping to get some specific...
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