Recent content by jcassidy

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  1. J

    Buying from Europe

    EU didn't have any say on anything that the UK disgreed with. The UK had more opt-outs than you could shake a finger at never mind the veto. Immigration policy? Not an EU competency. Tax? Not an EU competency. Health? Not an EU competency. The EU was, and is, a trade block, to increase...
  2. J

    Removing/replacing a fitted kitchen cupboard back?

    Both are exactly what I did in the same situation. PITA, stupid lazy installers.
  3. J


    That would require a cookie to remember the you've rejected cookies... ... and then they track all the sites you've rejected cookies and then use unique device identifier to tie you to your activity on those other sites. Mind you, they do that anyway so rejecting cookies only gets you so far...
  4. J


    You must also realise that any smart phone is a tracking goldmine, especially an Android (Apple is as bad, but it's all owned by Apple themselves who don't have an advertising- based business model). You should; A) ensure you are using the default keyboard B) Turn off the keyboard learning...
  5. J


    You are going to get tracked and there's nothing you can do about it. You can reduce your exposure by; A. Not using Chrome or Edge (I use Firefox) B. Set browser configuration to; i. Turn on 'Do not track' option ii. Turn off 3rd party cookies iii. Turn on 'Clear on Close' to clear history and...
  6. J

    Helping at a repair cafe

    Wow this thread took a turn. Anyway, under Irish law there is a general exemption from public liability for "voluntary work that is authorised by a volunteer organisation and does so without the expectation of payment [...] shall not be personally liable in negligence for any act done when...
  7. J

    Workshop spring clean

    The pile on the workbench need a home, I'll probably build some presses tomorrow.
  8. J

    Workshop spring clean

    Speaking of which... my vice has been found! (I tore down workbench v1 and haven't quite gotten around to making v2, so I'm working off a temp bench on trestles...)
  9. J

    Workshop spring clean

    So SWMBO got tired of me whinging about not being able to find this or that tool and suggested "Why don't you clean out your shed, then?" What, like I'm supposed to throw all this stuff away? Wait, why does that sound like a good idea? An hour later... (This is just the trash pile)
  10. J

    Tenon Saw Problem

    In order to not take over other thread.. I just recently got great results with citric acid and hot water, followed by a vigourous scrubbing with fine steel wool. Got the citric acid powder from local pharmacy. Previously used 600 to 2000 wet and dry sandpaper with Wd40 as a lubricant. Next...
  11. J

    new member Introduction - Max Mancino from Italy

    Ciao Max e benvenuto. Ci piacerebbe vedere work-in-progress foto per le sedie! Welcome to our virtual man shed!
  12. J

    Chisel Buying Advice

    Hey, how did you get on with the saws? Tenon Saw Problem
  13. J

    Chisel Buying Advice

    £40 for a single chisel!? 😒 Buy them at car boots and places. I buy anything marked 'Sheffield'! As long as there's plenty of steel left and it's not bent or corroded. Learn to sharpen them and use them and when you get good, reward yourself with a fine set. You'll end up with several sets...
  14. J

    Does being right or lft-handed determine which way round a room you go when painting ?

    I wouldn't have said I have a direction but thinking about the last 4 rooms I've painted, I've done them all clockwise... interesting. I'm left handed but thanks to trade school I use all my tools right handed (except a square, I suppose)
  15. J

    Best Laminate for heavy traffic?

    Word to the wise, when we got laminate (14mm mid range quality) installed, the installer (a local company) specifically said to protect the floor if we were using an office chair, as the laminate won't wear well with wheels rolling back and forth. Hopefully not an issue with commercial grade...