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  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill.
    Archaic practices and bad management echoed by intransigent behaviour amongst the workers. A very common occurrence. There are betters...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill.
    The right always trot out objections to any improvement in workers rights and conditions and are best ignored, not least because their...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill.
    Basically archaic management did for UK motor industry, helped by lacklustre government support and failure to join the EEC. The unions...
  • Jacob
    Jacob reacted to niall Y's post in the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill with Like Like.
    Zero hours contracts, may well be legal, but they are immoral. They were crafted to keep the lowest paid workers in -line. Through a...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread Labour's Employment Rights Bill.
    There's every reason for unions to get their act together. They have always been a major force in improving conditions of workers and...
  • Jacob
    Jacob reacted to Chris152's post in the thread US Election November 5th with Like Like.
    There's a common caricature of the left, promoted mainly by the right-wing media, that it is all touchy feely, over sensitive etc - yet...
  • Jacob
    Jacob reacted to Chris152's post in the thread US Election November 5th with Like Like.
    That's a shame, I quite enjoyed writing it. Tried to take on too much maybe, and I was a bit tired - I'll try harder next time.
  • Jacob
    Jacob reacted to RobinBHM's post in the thread US Election November 5th with Like Like.
    The Republicans main attack line on the Democrats was "Biden is too old to be President and he is suffering cognitive decline" how the...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread US Election November 5th.
    I'm inclined to believe what his nearest and dearest say of him...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    True Probably not true. London is a major money laundering centre and I expect there is access to all sorts of stuff. What do you know...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    I'd be curious to know too but it's not my subject, I'd get the experts in. First thing would be to reverse the cuts made to HMRC and...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    Agree Not a career I particularly fancy - I'd rather leave it to the specialists, though the unearned and undeserved capital gains are...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    Apologies then: well done! Most BTL landlords are just buying a free ride.
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    Our Chapel conversion got a "C" EPC. Large areas of single glazing but with condensation catching channels, which got used a few days...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    You don't "provide" them unless you build them - you buy existing homes.