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  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    I doubt 40% would do it. We are in a post tory government state of emergency with 45 years of austerity to remedy. Top rates could be...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    This survey is obviously not intended as the basis of policy. Also it does not seem to have been tuned in a dishonest sort of way. More...
  • Jacob
    Do you supply push sticks with your saws? Most UK suppliers have at least one. It'd be a good idea for anybody buying Sawstop to also...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    Of course it is not a "sound bite". It's the result of a particular survey as described, doesn't claim to be a survey of "all rented...
  • Jacob
    Jacob reacted to spiritburner's post in the thread No Fault Evictions with Like Like.
    I don't disagree with what you're saying but I still strongly believe that Landall should have the right to sell their properties...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    BTL mortgage policy was probably a big mistake. Easy to forget how recently it was introduced (1996)...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    They have that right but they shouldn't have the right to turf out their tenants - this can be a life changing event for many.
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    Sorry but I just don't believe this story. So many landlords piling in to blame everybody else for things going wrong on their watch -...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    but benefits the tenants and is downward pressure on landlords but re-enforces tenants rights Except they don't take the properties...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    Don't "dislike them" but I do get peed off with them whinging about everything. I have no sympathy - if they don't like the heat they...
  • Jacob
    Jacob reacted to John Brown's post in the thread No Fault Evictions with Like Like.
    But here's my take on it: There will always be people who don't want to buy their own home for various reasons, but I would guess that...
  • Jacob
    Jacob reacted to Fergie 307's post in the thread US Election November 5th with Like Like.
    I suspect he is a decent enough man to step aside in the hope they can find someone with a better chance of beating the Mango Moron. In...
  • Jacob
    Jacob reacted to paulrbarnard's post in the thread No Fault Evictions with Like Like.
    Jacob I’m with you on second homes. Far too many properties empty for large parts of the year.
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.