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  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    Good, but apparently not true, just a rumour. Not if Labour come up with some civilised rent controls including end of no fault...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    and they do - the highest level possible and generally beyond the means of the low paid. Driven higher by housing benefits etc. A...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    No I do recognise the "service" aspect of it but they don't really compare. Not least because the actual active service needed to run a...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    The facts I didn't say the majority - but there's a lot of it about. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-67914836
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    Glad to hear it! The more get offered for sale the lower the price. But most landlords don't. They buy and exploit existing homes. As...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    No, they should have had tightly controlled landlords They were in rooms in shared houses.
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    Forgot to add - my experience of landlordism is through my 3 kids who all were renting as students. They were all ripped off with high...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    The main problem is that most of the rights are given to property owners. How would you deal with problem tenants; put them in prison...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    House prices/rents is likely to be the biggest strain on the disadvantaged whoever they are and however it came about. Ordinary working...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    But there is a housing crisis and the private landlord system could be seen as exploiting this and becoming a burden on their tenants...
  • Jacob
    Jacob reacted to Spectric's post in the thread No Fault Evictions with Like Like.
    Yes there has to be a two way relationship between a landlord and the tennant, you hear so many horror stories of bad tenants but also...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    Because the claim is that landlords supply properties but the vast majority of them do not, they obtain existing properties. In other...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    Yep. Did you build the property? Have you thought of investing in another area? n.b The issue is "no fault" evictions. Sounds like your...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread Statins and statistics.
    NHS site good for diet advice. Some sites are too clever by half! Keto / Low Carb / Low cholesterol / diets are all different it seems...
  • Jacob
    Yes, but less.