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  • Jacob
    I see no connection? They are not part of the UK.
  • Jacob
    Wind power best on high ground not good for farming Yes we all think he's a joke, just not a very funny one. Less meat production...
  • Jacob
    Yes but it's not enough 🤣 They also buy more and more expensive goods, which means they have more than they need! It's weird how so...
  • Jacob
    Oh I understand it, I have a young son who will grow up into that world. It plays on my mind constantly. I don't know how we get past...
  • Jacob
    Complete and utter nonsense. The distribution of wealth has been steeply upwards for a long time now, with inequalities getting ever...
  • Jacob
    So raise the money from little children? 🤣 Where would you start? With infant schools and see if any of them are earning a few pennies...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread Statins and statistics.
    Yes it is. I accept the pro statin theory but the more immediate issue for me has been the apparent side effects, which seem like the...
  • Jacob
    Jacob reacted to Vulcan's post in the thread Statins and statistics with Like Like.
    After watching an Alexander van Tulleken video on ultra processed food I started looking more closely at the ingredients of the “food”...
  • Jacob
    Jacob reacted to Vulcan's post in the thread Statins and statistics with Like Like.
    This is interesting...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread Statins and statistics.
    Most statin users are OK apparently so maybe you should give it a go, but be on alert for side effects! They aren't obvious and get...
  • Jacob
    Jacob reacted to sploo's post in the thread Statins and statistics with Like Like.
    I saw "Holistic Doctor" and closed the window. That's all you need to know. Good peer-reviewed scientific papers don't deal in woo.
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread Statins and statistics.
    I'm a bit of a cheese addict too. There are good and bad cheeses...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread Statins and statistics.
    The lists given are of "reported" side effects and presumably the more they are reported the more they are considered valid. They tend...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread Statins and statistics.
    Monster is a google victim - he just choose what he wants to hear and ends up being wrong about everything!
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread Statins and statistics.
    There is a long list of side effects associated with statins (and lots of other drugs) but these aren't necessarily discovered by "well...