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  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread Thought on AI.
    Fascinating! Flattering, but a very inaccurate representation of my views. Actually quite worrying that it would be spot on with some...
  • Jacob
    Jacob reacted to paulrbarnard's post in the thread Thought on AI with Haha Haha.
    Well this is interesting Are you aware of the sharpening technique espoused by Jacob of UKWorkshop Jacob's sharpening technique, as...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread Thought on AI.
    It just trots out modern sharpening dogma and is wrong on several points, if not all of them. Ditto with flattening stones answers...
  • Jacob
    Well not really in the UK, it's a recent development. The HSE recommendations are well behind the times, recommending only one push...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread Statins and statistics.
    Seems to me that the general medical advice is good but the individual has to make a judgement over apparent side effects as it may be...
  • Jacob
    Oh all right.:rolleyes: They are fiddly to hold so you need a little holder for the blade - say a 10" length of 2"x3/4" scrap. Saw kerf...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread Petrol Stations.
    It's up to our leaders, in Parliament and elsewhere, to argue the case and convince the nation of the need. It's a pity we don't have...
  • Jacob
    Jacob reacted to Doug B's post in the thread Statins and statistics with Like Like.
    Jacob have a word with Brian I seem to remember he went through a few types of statins before he found one that suited him, he had a lot...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread Thought on AI.
    But it is just churning out the modern sharpening dogma. No intelligence involved, just a summary of current popular practice.
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread Statins and statistics.
    This is interesting https://bmjgroup.com/new-study-sheds-light-on-long-term-effectiveness-and-safety-of-two-widely-used-statins/ It...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread Statins and statistics.
    I do very healthy diet, lots of oats, nuts, fruit, prunes even. Makes no difference. Stopped taking the Rosuvastatin, almost instant...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread Statins and statistics.
    Similar experience with Atorvastatin. Lost power in arms and couldn't get out of bed without a great manoeuvre to get myself on to all...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread Thought on AI.
    Interesting! ChatGP sounds just like a brainwashed modern sharpener! Which is obviously what you would expect?
  • Jacob
    Jacob reacted to JSW's post in the thread Thought on AI with Like Like.
    The only thing I want to know from ChatGPt is just how far it can F**k Off
  • Jacob
    Bound to be some older members, even experts, going through this! I was on to Atorvastatin but it gave me aches and pains. Now...