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  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
    Wake up Scruples! You are talking in your sleep!
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
    Because every other nation had the same problems and it was a level playing field. It doesn't account for UK relatively failing...
  • Jacob
    Learning curve of a spokeshave is not as steep as I imagined. Give it a go and I am sure you will realise you didn't waist your...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
    Another self-deluding cliche regularly coming from the unwoke! Is "self deluding" the same as "self gaslighting"?
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
    It was a minority of the electorate but a majority of those who turned out. Feeble excuses for a failed project.
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
    So everything is alright? I'm so relieved!
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
    What, you expect me only to quote from the Mail, Telegraph, or other silly person rag? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: PS Have to say - it's interesting...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
    If true, then it's even more so, now that we have given up having influence in the EU. We gave up having power in the EU. They now have...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread Petrol Stations.
    Malign propaganda and does not happen in the real world.
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread Petrol Stations.
    Inherited characteristics tend towards the norm. Thick parents tend to have brighter kids, and vice versa. The problem is that kids may...
  • Jacob
    SS is the easy way once you've got your hand in. Shouldn't take long. Stanley #65 chamfer shave is a "gadget" for those hoping to avoid...
  • Jacob
    Yes of course. At least it will look good but may not get past the modern gadget-woodworking scrutineers! People have been doing neat...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread Petrol Stations.
    But it is not a problem if we need a smaller population. May need some adjustments though! But then you have to ask yourself why Japan...
  • Jacob
    Jacob reacted to Terry - Somerset's post in the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY with Like Like.
    That Starmer had to sink to the level of his competition may be a pragmatic response to circumstances, but is hardly a worthy argument...
  • Jacob
    Jacob replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
    Corbyn did well winning outright. One less Starmerlite MP! Pity Starmer decided to split the vote in Chingford as Faiza Shaheen would...