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    • J
      Check out Woodshop Junkies on YouTube. Jean is an absolute master of maximising space in a small workshop.
    • J
      JackEasy replied to the thread Electric vehicles.
      Find it laughable that the UK is talking about autonomous driving vehicles when the whole country doesn’t even have mobile internet or...
    • J
      JackEasy replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
      In cities, build up. Stop building into the suburbs. 2-3 bedroom council apartments in the cities with schools and hospitals built to...
    • J
      JackEasy reacted to woodbloke52's post in the thread Japanese Box with Like Like.
      An interpretation of a Japanese masterpiece that can be seen in the V&A in London, made primarily with Bog Oak veneers over a pine core...
    • J
      JackEasy replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
      Lived 10 years in China. Surprised you aren’t frustrated with the UK in the same ways I am. In 10 years, Wuhan went from one subway line...
    • J
      JackEasy replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
      You’ve obviously not been to Shanghai where they have one of the best public transport systems in the world. Where they invented shared...
    • J
      JackEasy replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
      Seems you have never been to Shanghai. One housing community likely has the same population As most Scottish towns and it takes...
    • J
      I’m down that way next week. Could be interested. You already sold them?
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