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  1. I

    Wilson vice identification/info

    Hi John.. ive just acquired a 3" version the same.. ive acquired problem when winding out.. it keeps slipping i think the problem is the quick release.. does the small hole on the side of the vice have a bush around the quick release rod to support it.. mine is unsupported in the hole.. which is...
  2. I

    New member

    Just introducing myself, Sure I'll know dome of you from other groups, currently got a fascination with old vices among other things Ian
  3. I

    Wilson vice identification/info

    Hi John.. just found this thread.. ive acquired a 3" JAW model with QR but it slips on wind out, I think the QR is the culprit .. is there a bush missing on mine, the small hole on the right side of the body with the small round bar inside 🤔