Recent content by Hornet99

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  1. H

    2021 Secret Santa.

    They've all left home thank god and swmbo is worse than me
  2. H

    2021 Secret Santa.

    :D:D:D:D if only I knew how
  3. H

    2021 Secret Santa.

    Well...... The gift I received [you know who you are] is amazing and absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much. The ladies over Xmas were fighting over the dining table SS Gift such is the design and build quality. Thanks
  4. H

    2021 Secret Santa.

    My SS was hand delivered today by myself.
  5. H

    2021 Secret Santa.

    I certainly have the physique
  6. H

    2021 Secret Santa.

    I'm delivering mine by hand on Friday as I'm only three miles away having a meeting :)
  7. H

    Finally built a fold-down MFT

    Sorry chaps MTF???
  8. H

    LED downlights too bright - can I dim?

    For the unskilled in this field could you elaborate further please?
  9. H

    For Sale Book Clear-out 6 of 9

    May I have please: Router Jigs and Templates- Anthony Bailey- £8 The Marquetry Course- Jack Metcalfe and John Apps- £10 The Book of Boxes - Andrew Crawford - £10
  10. H

    Pest proofing my garage / workshop

    I've lost two traps thus far in the last month. Snr Mngt says rats but there's no evidence of them in the garage so doubtful.
  11. H

    Pest proofing my garage / workshop

    Thanks. TBH trapping works for me but the novelty is wearing off. I'm also a beekeeper and mice constantly pee as the go along and mouse pee on bee eqpt renders it useless the bee's wont go near it so they've got to go.
  12. H

    Box Making Courses

    My cousin who was a pretty good engineer in his day, tells me everything starts as a box. Being new to the craft, can anyone recommend a good box making course that I can put on my Xmas list please?
  13. H

    Pest proofing my garage / workshop

    Thought so hence my Q
  14. H

    Pest proofing my garage / workshop

    Where from?