Well...... The gift I received [you know who you are] is amazing and absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much. The ladies over Xmas were fighting over the dining table SS Gift such is the design and build quality. Thanks
May I have please:
Router Jigs and Templates- Anthony Bailey- £8
The Marquetry Course- Jack Metcalfe and John Apps- £10
The Book of Boxes - Andrew Crawford - £10
Thanks. TBH trapping works for me but the novelty is wearing off. I'm also a beekeeper and mice constantly pee as the go along and mouse pee on bee eqpt renders it useless the bee's wont go near it so they've got to go.
My cousin who was a pretty good engineer in his day, tells me everything starts as a box. Being new to the craft, can anyone recommend a good box making course that I can put on my Xmas list please?