Methane is a natural gas the planet produces it not just cows and we also produce it esp if eat lots of veg!.
The sea is major source of Methane all the weed washed up makes methane along with Marsh land etc.
Also Landfill/rotting plants/greenery also don't empty your dustbin for a week well...
Set up Paypal goes via bank i pay everything with it rather than cards.
Tyzacks at Shoreditch N1 do Draw knives and there is or was the Gaff at Battlesbridge that sells old tut(Antiques and tools etc)
If not do a search for a blacksmith your way that makes them
For those that posted about FFX going down the swany Well ITS those over in the East of London have taken on the FFX set up so any that subscribed to FFX should get an email inviting them to sign into ITS for news letters etc.
If going with an SSD go plus 1TB as the read/write speed on smaller drives is a lot slower.
Crucial have a good range that is reliable plus Samsung is ok.
I build my own PC's along with modding as mine has a water cooling system.
Windows don't support 7 but many still use it perfectly fine and...
Hamiltons used to do Ranges of Bristle brushes and there that was aimed at trade top end was Congo which had the shortest bristles which are a bit like when run a brush in!.Then had Perfection then Perfection plus which had the longest bristles and a much fuller flag so a very solid brush why...
You can't go far wrong with Dulux Weathershield and there are a few other things also but exteriors need a more solid paint than interiors and Linseed paints oxidise ie yellow.
Water based paints and finishes nahh you can't play with them so have to brush and leave as go tacky/grab straight...
Primer needs to be heat stabilised also though or will cook and peel
One of the best thing for rust removals are Zipp wheels they do a few types and work on angle grinders and they also do a flat one that fits in a drill it's a sort of plastic impregnated with wire and for dealing with seams