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  1. H

    Looking for a new workshop!

    as to farms that was my initial idea (i come from rural dorset so my workshop down there was on a horse yard) but im uninsurable for the next year or 2 unfortunatly so im limited to public transport/bicycle at the present time.
  2. H

    Looking for a new workshop!

    ive found a few units near me that are way more size wise than i need (1500sqft) with 3 phase roller door the lot for ~700/750 a month all inclusive, but half that space would be more than enough for me, is anyone in a similar position that might be interested in going halves? split space/rent...
  3. H

    Looking for a new workshop!

    Hi thanks for all your replies :) i carage would do tbh as long as it has electric/lighting and is secure & watertight
  4. H

    Looking for a new workshop!

    um.. is that an offer or an estimate lol? might need a few more details.
  5. H

    Looking for a new workshop!

    Hi, im not sure if im posting in the correct section here, but i havent had a workshop available since 2020 and all of my tools/equipment have been sat in storage ever since. i have moved up the country to birmingham since then, and internet searches for workshops generally throw up warehouse...