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  1. G

    Joke Thread 4

    The sound a 3 legged horse makes
  2. G

    Joke Thread 4

  3. G

    Worry about kitchen cabinet weight

    Yes, I’ve worried and that’s why all my cupboards sit on horizontal timbers well screwed to the wall as well. The timbers have an “L” shape profile. Then I use the same on top. Also much easier to line up and fit when you’re on your own. I’ve also fitted metal 90 degree brackets on top in other...
  4. G

    Joke Thread 4

    A friend recently sent me a picture of me when I was 24. I can’t see that either!
  5. G

    Joke Thread 4

    My wife watched Sooty on the TV as a child in the 60’s. She loved it so much that her Mum made her a Sooty puppet. She still has it today. A pity it’s black and white.
  6. G

    Does being right or lft-handed determine which way round a room you go when painting ?

    I’m right handed. The thought of painting anti clockwise makes my head hurt!
  7. G

    Mystery thing

    Maybe the previous owner was a car radio fitter, and he got a set of keys with each radio?
  8. G

    Joke Thread 4

    That’s a good idea. An irony thread!
  9. G

    Are EV's good value? Apparently not!

    EV’s are fantastic if you can charge at home, off peak even better and you never travel more than its range before returning home to recharge. Not so fantastic if you’re renting one and plan a longer journey and will need to rely on the public charging network. Even more daunting as well if...
  10. G

    Renting a garage

    Anyway, around our way, just south of SW London, it seems to be £150pm but for a single only. My brother who lives Staines way pays £80pm for a single but that was 10 years ago. Not sure what he pays now. £100+ I would think.
  11. G

    Renting a garage

    Depends where you are I guess.
  12. G

    British Sumer Time Note

    Their roofs must be in a terrible state!
  13. G

    British Sumer Time Note

    We’ve got three clocks that are quarter hour chimers. Now that is a PITA moving the hand on and letting it chime each quarter! Mustn’t complain though ;)
  14. G

    British Sumer Time Note

    The purpose of the clocks changing twice a year is to give people something to complain about.
  15. G

    Best Paint Sprayer - Reasonable Cost

    I am thinking of spaying the doors of my kitchen. I've done a bit of airbrushing in my time and am assuning that the general basic principles apply. I will check more information though. However, at this point it will be a one off job and may not necessitate buying any kit but rather hire it...