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  1. F

    Getting oil / polish out of old timber?

    Eee grand That's exactly what I wanted to know. I can get Fullers Earth wholesale and some IPA (Isopropyl alcohol). The latter to see if it' as good, better or worse than Etenol. Right fuller's earth on order later on. My grateful thanks
  2. F

    Getting oil / polish out of old timber?

    Working on a new project which needs some serious work. I collect and restore these old beasties for when I have some spare time. Issue with such like is that the timber will have accrued / absorbed lots of old polish and to a degree some oil over the last 240+ years. Traditionally Linseed is...
  3. F

    Chester 920 traverse issue

    Regret I'm not that technically capable with a lathe. I use it mainly for making 1 off screws and other small pieces for antique flintlock and percussion pistols. As it turns out he made it in steel and the lathe is now very well behaved.
  4. F

    Proxxon Micro MF70 milling machine

    Ah! Sounds as if it'd be too light for my possible needs. It's local so attracted my attention My thanks
  5. F

    Chester 920 traverse issue

    Turns out a friend of a friend can make a new one - in Bronze. It'll cost a bit but then the machine will then most likely see me out. Pic when I have it in hand.
  6. F

    Proxxon Micro MF70 milling machine

    Proxxon Micro MF70 milling machine One of these popped up locally. I've see variable comments on line and debating the longer term usefulness of something, while near new, that I might outgrow. So new and accept limitations or older solid Brit made but possibly requiring some refurbing? I'd be...
  7. F

    Chester 920 traverse issue

    Only the lower half of the lhs left and worm jammed forward in the bracket. Later models don't have the same setup.
  8. F

    Chester 920 traverse issue

    Finally got it It's part No.2 (4032 in the manual) which houses worm gear No.3 The left side of mine has gone. Were the broken left side cut down I'm sure a new piece could be made up and fixed in place. Beyond my skill and other equipment. On newer machines I think they've changed this part...
  9. F

    Chester 920 traverse issue

    Appreciate that, but still have computer and camera not talking to each other. From the red cover Chester 920 manual it's part No.4034 in the apron assembly. I think the newer machines differ. I have a Grizzly manual but no parts list with it. If not available I can see a new side could be...
  10. F

    Chester 920 traverse issue

    Finally figured out the issue. Pic later if I can get the computer to talk to the camera. In the drive box there's a worm gear sits in a cast housing. Well it did but the rhs of the housing is gone. Not in my ownership. The washer was the remains of the housing hanging on.!!! So now the worm...
  11. F

    Chester 920 traverse issue

    Thought I had it but no. Kicked out again. The lead screw looks to be more worn at the chuck end which I guess is to be expected. Kick out at roughly the same location, so wondered if it was a combination of screw and saddle gear failing meshing at that point. Part stripped the carriage and...
  12. F

    Chester 920 traverse issue

    Thank you all so much. Last night had a quick look for on line ( and Easylive etc) just in case. Some interesting old classic beasties on those sites and more modern "don't bother" types as well.. Anyways, it took a while but finally got it after several pieces of string and...
  13. F

    Chester 920 traverse issue

    Had a look in the gear/speeds box and all looks fine. No bits of metal or teeth lying around Worn transverse feed bar?
  14. F

    Chester 920 traverse issue

    Had this lathe about10 years now. Sorted, renewed and fixed most things and it does what it should.... till this morning. As the table moves along the travers screw (not sure of technical name) it reaches a point where something must jam up as it gets closer to the chuck- sufficient to kick it...
  15. F

    Subem ?? Belgium - bench band saw (I think) - what do you know?

    My thanks fellas Usefully written inside 206.5mm - Max 8 x 1¼" !!!! Not dated but assume 1970s / 80s. What's more it actually runs and the rather naf plastic case is cleaning up ok. Tyres are pretty meaty I've used Bedford Saws but can't recall the supplier often recommended here. Will, if...