Recent content by Fidget

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  1. Fidget

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Fauteuil en bois A chair designed by Ettore Bugatti based on the Adirondack Like the Adirondack it's surprisingly comfortable Made in French chestnut
  2. Fidget

    Which woodworking YouTube channels do you watch?

    If you have any interest in very old cars being tinkered with, rebuilt, raced and talked about. Ivan Dutton who used to race saloon cars and is now 83
  3. Fidget

    Joke Thread 4 (closed).

    I'm in the wrong place didn't realise this was a motoring thread:(
  4. Fidget

    Sketchup help please

    As Roger says, use the Move command. On a PC if you press Control it will duplicate the item. Don't forget to 'Flip along axis' accessed by right clicking the item when you have duplicated it.
  5. Fidget

    Share your 3D Printed Tools and Jigs

    @LR103 @starfish I can't post an STL file here so... The Gcode file prints the stick upside down to minimise supports
  6. Fidget

    Share your 3D Printed Tools and Jigs

    Hi, I don't have the STL file anymore. Let me see if I've still got the Fusion 360 file and I'll do another file, give me a couple of days... :)
  7. Fidget

    Joke Thread 4 (closed).

    This popped up in my spam folder this morning, a real doozy!
  8. Fidget

    Joke Thread 4 (closed).

  9. Fidget

    Got my first 3D printer

    Very nice work How's the workbench build coming on? ;)
  10. Fidget

    Walking/Steps app for Android

    I use Pedometer - Step Counter. Free in the app store
  11. Fidget

    Hydraulic briquette machine questions?

    Doesn't need to be too complicated
  12. Fidget

    Joke Thread III
