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  • F
    Fergie 307 replied to the thread Farm Boy.
    Nice work. Out of interest how did you approach the silver soldering? I have found that for fiddly jobs like this the paste is really...
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    Fergie 307 replied to the thread New Diesel & Petrol Ban.
    Yes, interesting that in the entire rambling post that follows he doesn't share the nature of his "explicit understanding of the reasons...
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    Fergie 307 reacted to MikeJhn's post in the thread New Diesel & Petrol Ban with Like Like.
    I was with you up to the unsubstantiated point above, then you made the whole post a nonsense.
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    Fergie 307 replied to the thread Electric vehicles.
    A lot of German makers used to offer a fuel burning heater as an extra. You could set it to come on maybe 20 mins before you wanted to...
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    Fergie 307 replied to the thread Electric vehicles.
    Well we will have to agree to disagree. One point I would make, because it is important is that you really should not be putting a...
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    Fergie 307 replied to the thread Electric vehicles.
    I agree there is likely to be nothing amiss after a year, I hadn't suggested that. But just looking through the holes in the wheels or...
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    Fergie 307 reacted to Phil Pascoe's post in the thread New Diesel & Petrol Ban with Like Like.
    We all know what to do, but we don’t know how to get re-elected once we have done it.” ― Jean-Claude Juncker
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    Fergie 307 replied to the thread New Diesel & Petrol Ban.
    Will Self summed it up rather well on Question time a few years ago. His view was we get the politicians we deserve. We moan when they...
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    Fergie 307 reacted to Lons's post in the thread New Diesel & Petrol Ban with Like Like.
    +1 The same with my father in law although we knew he had some involvement the full extent was unknown until documents including a...
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    Fergie 307 reacted to NorthernSteve's post in the thread New Diesel & Petrol Ban with Like Like.
    I am content to wear the label of ignorance as you suggest, if necessary, but Sir Keir Starmer’s conduct is, as the old saying goes, "as...
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    Fergie 307 reacted to Lons's post in the thread New Diesel & Petrol Ban with Like Like.
    I seriously doubt that. :ROFLMAO: In less than 2 weeks membership you seem to have produced rather a lot. ;)
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    Fergie 307 replied to the thread New Diesel & Petrol Ban.
    This really annoys me. Anyone who is vetted will have signed numerous documents, the essence of which is "keep your mouth shut about...
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    Fergie 307 reacted to Blackswanwood's post in the thread New Diesel & Petrol Ban with Like Like.
    Obviously I'm bereft that my opinion has caused you such an upset :dunno: If your red mist would allow you to read what I've said...
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    Fergie 307 replied to the thread New Diesel & Petrol Ban.
    Hypnotic Chimera. Firstly the idea that vetting guarantees someone's integrity is frankly laughable. Kim Philby was one of the most...
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    Fergie 307 replied to the thread Electric vehicles.
    My point was they ought to be examined to ensure that they have not suffered any degredation due to age not just wear, exactly as your...