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    ey_tony replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    I will defend anyone's right to believe in a god but when it comes to religions, they should all carry a "For Entertainment Purposes...
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    ey_tony replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    Chris I could also do lots of reading up on religions but it won't change my mind about them. No one actually needs them unless they...
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    ey_tony reacted to woodieallen's post in the thread No Fault Evictions with Like Like.
    One of the best posts in this thread.
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    ey_tony replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    Sour grapes attitude? You mean just because I believe in making the most of and taking responsibility for one's life and not feeling...
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    ey_tony replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    Not at all Chris. I've never believed in fairy tales or in Utopia. What can so called socialism actually do that common sense and...
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    ey_tony replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    I am not burdened down with entitlement unlike socialists like yourself who dream of some Utopian land where fairy tales are made. The...
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    ey_tony replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    I don't suffer from an entrenched perspective on life. I know it doesn't sit well with the socialist mindset but I favour a meritocratic...
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    ey_tony replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    I can imagine a nation WITHOUT Socialism very easily. You don't need so called socialism for a nation to be both successful and fair in...
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    ey_tony replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    Would you care to qualify that comment with examples and while you're at it name ONE truly socialist country that is deemed successful?
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    ey_tony replied to the thread TV advertising quality!.
    That is exactly my reaction to Curry's now. At this moment I am in the market for a new microwave as mine has just failed. I've just...
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    ey_tony replied to the thread TV advertising quality!.
    Nahhhh...they've changed it to because they WILL! ;)
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    ey_tony replied to the thread TV advertising quality!.
    Any advert which uses phrases like " Because we can" ....you know it's meaningless tosh.
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    ey_tony replied to the thread TV advertising quality!.
    Not if it's live TV.
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    What on earth has happened to the quality of TV advertising these days. I know there has always been cringe-worthy ads but just recently...
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    ey_tony replied to the thread Baking.
    We've had an all singing and dancing top of the range Panasonic bread maker for at least 10 years and the loaves that came out of it had...
    • breadi.jpg