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  1. E

    Challenge reciprocating saw repair

    If I want a hard pin I rob one from the box of buggered roller bearings. You can actually buy loose pins. e.g. You just need to know the diameter of the pin and the length. Don't worry if you can't get one at the exact length...
  2. E

    Want to fit replacement double glazed windows.

    Given the comedy prices I've seen quoted for windows, is it an idea to have someone come & measure up the windows, take those measurements, buy the windows myself and have someone fit them? TBF, this was a long time ago, but a friend told me his company was getting £50 per window to fit...
  3. E

    Storm damaged roof, one tile, DIY?

    Having looked at it I think I can replace the broken bits myself properly. What I didn't fancy was breaking out mortar on the ridge tiles to get to the actual tile to fix & re-doing that. It looks like its just screwed together which I can handle. Speaking of... not sure if its visible in the...
  4. E

    Storm damaged roof, one tile, DIY?

    More bad news...
  5. E

    Storm damaged roof, one tile, DIY?

    Hi All, Got some better pics. This pic is of a house across the street that has the hold down straps that mine doesn't.
  6. E

    Storm damaged roof, one tile, DIY?

    Thanks Guys, The roof is about 4 years old. I don't think it has tie downs. I asked at the time why there were no tie downs (house next door has them) and the chap said it was a new system that didn't need them. The house across the road with a new roof doesn't so I guess its one of those...
  7. E

    Storm damaged roof, one tile, DIY?

    Hi All, After the storm I'm missing one tile. Well, not missing, its on the lawn. Considered claiming insurance but put off by horror stories of premiums going up loads. Can I put this back myself? I'm thinking... a **** ton of top quality epoxy (Devcon, 3M, Sikadur-32+ ?) and jam it back...
  8. E

    High cost of precision engineering

    Honda had a 50th anniversary at the IOM. I'd dropped my RC30 and broke the clutch lever. Someone suggested I go down to the Honda pits and see if they had one. They didn't (got one eventually from IOM Honda) but what they did have at the pits was all the top brass down to see the bikes they'd...
  9. E

    How to adjust top hung window top gap?

    Ah... thanks very much. That makes a lot of sense. The windows are 30 years old so I guess wear is a definite possibility. I have two windows bottom and top at the front, the rears are a different design. So I need 8 hinges total. A brief google shows replacement hinges, two pack, from...
  10. E

    How to adjust top hung window top gap?

    Hi All, Is there an adjustment for top hung windows to bring the top of the window in? I have two top hung small windows in my front room window. The fit at the bottom is.. OK but at the top there's a noticeable gap. I noticed when I was replacing the window seals. I can see screws...
  11. E

    My most horrible food mistake so far...

    Shark. I was in a fishmonger in Reading in 98 and I saw something that looked like tuna but was much paler. It looked good and it was cheap. It was cheap for a reason. It tasted like very fishy pork. Ghastly.
  12. E

    What is a Tory?

    Socialism literally fights the evolutionary desire to other. Any Socialist will tell you we're all brothers regardless of colour or station. The neo-liberal ideology which is the centre point of Tory belief is that there is no society, we are all individuals and we must all strive to...
  13. E

    Drilling a table saw blade

    I have an old Eisele pull down cut off saw and a load of blades that have a 30mm centre hole. The 40mm blades that the Eisele takes are £150+ I made a jig to hold the 30mm blades and used a 40mm annular cutter to enlarge the centre. You could do this on a drill press if you can get someone...
  14. E

    Sedgwick MB rise and fall damage

    Point of order... rolled threads are harder. Cold working of steel increases the hardness, yield strength and tensile strength at the expense of ductility. Cold rolled Hot rolled Brinell hardness 167 137
  15. E

    New Diesel & Petrol Ban

    Why do we not allow police and the judiciary to accept gifts? Because they're inherently less trustworthy than politicians? Or because the practice carries inherent moral hazard? I would say that if the police cannot be trusted to accept gifts then neither can politicians. Yes, it may very...