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  1. E

    Quickline broadband?

    Same here - we live out in the sticks and have no prospect of a fibre connection anytime soon, but get decent speeds (good enough for us anyway, typically 30 - 50 mbps) on 4G+. Costs £17 per month (but had to buy a suitable router, about £100 i think). Obviously thats only going to work for...
  2. E

    Recomendations to Shows / large sellers with show rooms

    Axminster in Nuneaton is not too much of a stretch from Shrewsbury (I live near Telford and have been a few times) and they'll have a good selection of all the things you're looking for on display.
  3. E

    OMG, "it don't 'arf pen and ink"

    We have a large pig unit near here, and used to be plagued by the stench when it was slurry spreading time. As it happened, we had a delivery driver from Holland arrive one day when this was happening, and he was shocked that it was allowed, because in Holland the farmers are required by law...
  4. E

    Impact Driver : Bosch Blue or Metabo

    Unless you can get to handle the tools in a shop, and look at the label, I don't think you'll be able to choose....I have several blue Bosch tools, made in Malaysia, China, and even Switzerland! I have a Metabo sander which was made in Germany. I imagine the 'what gets made where' decision...
  5. E

    Bosch 18V Circular Saw

    I have the G version and it does indeed run on the Bosch/Mafell style guide rails. It also has the great big slot that you can see on Tritons pic, so I've always assumed that meant it would also run on some other style of rail, but I've never tested that theory.
  6. E

    Connection problems

    Yes, you can get external 4G aerials. We considered that as an upgrade, but tbh our requirements are pretty modest, and 20 mbps from the router is plenty! There's a website ( which shows all your local cell masts, and the areas covered by each company's cells from those masts -...
  7. E

    Connection problems

    We ditched our landline a few months ago (broadband from that was typically 3 - 4 mbps) and went 4G with Smarty (the budget arm of Three). So far, so good - Smarty is cheaper per month than our landline used to cost, and we get speeds in the low 20's mbps.
  8. E

    Sash Window Draught Proofing and Double Glazing

    1. How to bed the unit. Can I just fill the frame with neutral cure silicone and push the unit in? Yes, I bed mine fully, back, sides, front, so the DG unit is fully enclosed by silicon. 2. There is only a 1mm gap round the unit. Most sites show a 2mm gap at the base with packers. Is this...
  9. E


    I have that drill press - its absolutely fine, does everything I ask of it. Just be aware its blimmin' heavy - just about a one man lift, but would be a lot easier with help!
  10. E

    Record Power

    I had that machine too, but sent it back for that same fault - tried 2 remotes but both were very flakey. Replaced it with an Axminster machine (which has an RF remote rather than IR) and thats better - but still needs to be within a foot or two of the machine to work!
  11. E

    So who knows about treating plywood?

    Propagating bench, or bench for an alpine house ? If so, I made some maybe 20 years ago with ordinary timber, painted with whatever preservative B&Q had in stock at the time, and lined with builders polythene. Still holding up!
  12. E

    Wood for face frames to be painted

    I get all my timber from Potters of Nantwich. About 45 mins from here so not exactly convenient, but a terrific place with a huge range of timber. I always use their unsorted redwood for faceframes, but they do list tulipwood if you fancy trying that.
  13. E

    Hi from Sunny Shropshire!

    "Shropshire hidden jewel in England ". Shhh! We need to keep it that way !
  14. E

    Sabre 350 Bandsaw Stand - Worth having?

    You mean the wheel kit ? It works pretty well, but I only move mine from time to time if I need to cut very long stuff. If I were wanting to shuffle it around more frequently, I'd probably consider a full mobile base. My workshop floor is tamped concrete, so smooth (ish)!