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  1. Ed Weber

    SawStop, stops on contact with skin is coming to Europe soon!

    I don't/won't watch videos like these, other than situation like this. (someone making a point) These do nothing to entertain me or to educate me in any way. The moron trying to film kick-back, doing it in a way he has a high probability of injuring himself, seriously. How is this helpful to...
  2. Ed Weber

    Saw stop ( USA )

    You're the one who posted this and said "that transformed my attitude to tablesaws" Watching someone use a tool incorrectly does not "transform my attitude" it merely reinforces it. Humans do stupid things all the time and no safety device can prevent poor decision making.
  3. Ed Weber

    Saw stop ( USA )

    IMO; The "learning point" should have been, use the right tool for the job and practice safe methods of work. That saw did nothing wrong, the operator did.
  4. Ed Weber

    SawStop Braking Mechanism

    Your link is for 15+ year old stats. This is even before riving knives were standard here in the states. This is a bit more comprehensive and more current My personal take on power tools is this;
  5. Ed Weber

    SawStop, stops on contact with skin is coming to Europe soon!

    The point was the non destructive part and the down time. Yes the other systems are expensive and do not currently lend themselves to small saws. They do however, let you trigger the safety system, re-set it and resume working immediately. Nothing to replace other than your underwear.
  6. Ed Weber

    SawStop, stops on contact with skin is coming to Europe soon!

    This is ONE of the reasons I am not a SawStop fan. There are other brands with non-destructive technologies that work just as well, better IMO. The SS technology is over 20+ years old. You could say it's time tested but you could also say it's old.
  7. Ed Weber

    Withdrawn Wood turning cranked chisel

    That's most likely someones version of a hollowing tool
  8. Ed Weber

    Is this getting a bit out of hand? - RSV jabs

    I knew there was something missing or I would'nt have gotten sick, I ate enough ivermectin (horse de-wormer) that I should be immune :rolleyes:
  9. Ed Weber

    Is this getting a bit out of hand? - RSV jabs

    But I researched on google for a whole 15 minutes, what do doctors know anyway?
  10. Ed Weber

    SawStop, stops on contact with skin is coming to Europe soon!

    The only way you know if a SS is actually safe is if you trigger it, which is caused by you behaving in an unsafe manner? Work smart, work safe
  11. Ed Weber

    SawStop, stops on contact with skin is coming to Europe soon!

    One of the main things about the Altendorf, as well as other ideas past and present have employed is that they are non destructive. Where the SS is not Even push sticks don't ruin the blade
  12. Ed Weber

    SawStop, stops on contact with skin is coming to Europe soon!

    Might as well just have someone else do it and be totally safe
  13. Ed Weber

    SawStop, stops on contact with skin is coming to Europe soon!

    They aren't the only answer but they are just as safe and cost less than a SS. Push sticks keep your digits away from the blade, SS just triggers when you don't Once again, it's simply two different philosophies when approaching woodworking. Use safe practices and methods of work to avoid...
  14. Ed Weber

    SawStop, stops on contact with skin is coming to Europe soon!

    With respect; Everything you just listed can be boiled down to nothing more than poor work habits. Not checking you clearances, or miter gauge position of forgetting something, etc. A SS isn't going to make you a more thorough or less forgetful woodworker. This is like saying, I got a shock...
  15. Ed Weber


    So the "expert" PS shows use how to do this, it takes him 3 or 4 times and about 1/8" of stock to get it almost right on soft pine about 24-30 inches long. This is not something most people would employ on anything longer or harder. Small projects, it might be fine, just make sure you have...