Recent content by Drifter2406

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  1. Drifter2406

    EV owners - Car Tax

    You want to be environmentally friendly? Buy a car and don't change it, stop replacing them every few years, oh and the biggest one, stop having kids, there are way too many people already, and people are the most environmentally unfriendly thing this planet has ever seen. Problem solved. 8...
  2. Drifter2406

    Photographers - help!

    Sounds like you got a result from Nikon? I was on a trip to Africa with two EOS5's (Film cameras), both cameras metering went slightly off by about a stop and half in different directions about half way through the trip, never realised as most of that trip was capturing action shots of the...
  3. Drifter2406

    Photographers - help!

    the DSLR is not obsolete, I have been into photography since I was 18, I am now 60, working as a wildlife photographer, Wedding's and now as a serious amateur starting out on film cameras and square format Bronica's, there is nothing really extra above my Nikon D850 that would make me change yet...
  4. Drifter2406

    Boiler suit advice

    I have a similar problem other than I am 5-10 with a 31" inside leg but a 50" chest, I buy to fit my chest and get the missus to to take them up buy cutting the excess off and taking them up.
  5. Drifter2406

    Making my own kitchen 😥🤞

    MFC is the best stuff, hundreds of colours and edging to match, 99% of kitchens are made of this, sometimes the doors are too but a big majority of the units are made from this. Being in Kent you could possibly get the board from a supplier called Panelco, they deliver to the public I think...
  6. Drifter2406

    Losing a pet

    No your not silly for feeling and giving an animal the best life possible, for me it is the worst pain there is, when I have lost animal family it has destroyed me for weeks and still miss them to this day, then I say "Never again am I putting myself through this", and yes I do, why? because it...
  7. Drifter2406

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    If this is your first time I will be looking forward to your future projects, well done looks great.
  8. Drifter2406

    Do you sell your stuff?

    I only tend to make stuff for home, doors, stairways etc. My wife wanted a set of stairs/ garden pot rack type of thing, I had some hard wood so I made it, when her friends saw it I ended up making about ten of them by the time their friends saw them etc, apparently the ones you buy look cheap...
  9. Drifter2406

    Electric vehicles

    Blimey, glad I service the van myself.
  10. Drifter2406

    Slight bow in 7ft length of wood

    I tend to get rid of bows by wetting them and putting them in the sun if its bare timber. Surprising how much they will move but you have to go a bit too far as they move back a bit.
  11. Drifter2406

    Music suggestions please?

    Pavarotti 50 greatest hits, Bruce Springsteen Western Stars, Dancing in the Dark or numerous others. Pretty much everything from Buddy Holly.
  12. Drifter2406

    Electric vehicles

    Are dealer prices really around £180 ph? I've not been to one in a while, i know about overheads but how can they justify that sort of money?
  13. Drifter2406

    Combined Flu jab

    I genuinely feel sorry for you. What a lonely life you must lead.
  14. Drifter2406

    Combined Flu jab

    Name calling, really? Did you ever have an open mind to listen to someone that goes against something you believe?
  15. Drifter2406

    Combined Flu jab

    Total freedom? Wow, you really are that narrow minded. When you have a person who is very active and reacted to the vaccine like so many other thousands that have been reported on, within 24hrs was in intensive care, 24hours after that was gone and put down to old age, but heaven forbid anyone...