Recent content by DougR

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  1. D

    What wood for beehives UK?

    Modified Nat, in WRC - though my sister swears by the new plastic hives. Brood and a half (brood plus super below the queen excluder) if you run short of brood space.
  2. D

    Pull-saws at lidl

    I have an utterly unreasonable for a plasma cutter.... The pull saws i've bought in the past have been very usable.
  3. D

    Safe disposal of an unusual nail gun

    Less common than they used to be - but I saw one being used on site last year - still an effective tool.
  4. D

    Bee-safe Exterior protection for plywood...

    Any reason not to use glass in epoxy - as you would a strip or ply built canoe? - this is a No Solvent approach
  5. D

    Strat neck faulty

    Assuming that the action is reasonably low (action set high will increase the tension as the note is fretted) that discrepancy suggests a movement of about three sixteenths (5mm) - an eror that big should show up with a tape measure - on the high E (thinnest string) the Nut to 12 should be very...
  6. D

    Strat neck faulty

    There are two positions on a fretted string where (when properly intonated) the struck harmonic and the fretted note are identical - 12th fret and 19th fret. An electronic tuner is a great help - even the five quid clip-on jobs will help. How far out in the intonation at the twelfth fret? abd...
  7. D

    Decent price for epoxy finish for a desk?

    Are you looking for epoxy resin or an epoxy based paint? I've used these people for resin and they have pretty good prices Epoxies and finishing can be a bit of a bloody nightmare - the classic horror is varnish over not quite entirely cured epoxy resin - this...
  8. D

    Steel wool

    Phosgene is only produced from chlorinated solvents - Trichlorethylene, Arklone Perklone etc - neither MEK nor Acetone contain any chlorine. Acetone is a relatively benign and convenient solvent which is , to quote Wikipedia - Acetone is produced and disposed of in the human body through...
  9. D

    Sanding - what grades?

    If you're sanding to a finish then there is no need to work through every available grit number - as a guide line - just double the number each time, that way each step halves the depth of the scratches. Lighting is critical to judging progress.