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  1. D

    Vibration Research etc

    Dunno - I was just quoting some research I saw a good many years ago. In my case, trauma was certainly a contributory factor, as some 50+ years ago I severed a tendon in my thumb (don't ask). As luck would have it, we lived near Oxford at the time, so I was sent to the hand surgeon there who I...
  2. D

    Vibration Research etc

    One aspect of vibration damage which has not been mentioned is the possibility of it leading to the condition called Dupuytrens contracture, where your fingers (and in some cases, toes and other body parts) curl up and can only be straightened by surgery. Which I can assure all, is not pleasant...
  3. D

    Fresh conifer logs

    From the picture, and the situation they are from, pretty certain those logs are Leylandii. The joy/bane of gardeners lives. As the previous owners of our last house said of the enormous Atlas cedar planted three feet from the front door "it was so pretty when it was little".
  4. D

    Elu MOF177E Router

    +1 for what Rhossyd says. Mine comprises a suitable nut welded into a tube salvaged from a 1938 Atco mower, topped with the knob used to adjust the stiffness of the backrest in Volvo Amazons!
  5. D

    Elu MOF177E Router

    NeiljohnUK said "the battery trim routers are upright only and that suits me just fine, whatever you do watch lots of users/video's and understand feed direction and kick-back, before you use it!" Second that strongly. Not sure what he was doing with his trim router, but he routed a very neat...
  6. D

    Elu MOF177E Router

    Like others, I'm a great fan of the 177E. Got a couple of them (plus a 96 and a 97 - seriously underrated machine IMHO). One of the 177s is mounted in a Ryobi table, which I think is the original of the Record table and has a cast iron top. Certainly would not be classed as flimsy, though I got...
  7. D

    Sad news, Bob Minchin AKA 9fingers Myfordman

    Never met Bob, but we corresponded fairly regularly over VFDs, solar panels and other topics. He was a mine of information, always offered without arrogance. He'll be sadly missed. But just one lighter touch - I first asked him about his 9fingers nickname, as many, many years ago, a chap...
  8. D

    Starmer's woke global warming winter fuel payment sharpening Donald Trump EV nightmare

    Greetings to all who can find something to laugh about under this topic!!
  9. D

    Convert a lever handle to a twin push-button on a close coupled toilet?

    Just a small note of caution. Both our loos have the dual push button arrangement, but one requires considerable force to operate it, and since her fall, my wife finds it almost impossible to flush. Possibly significant that almost all disabled loos seem to have the olde worlde handles. Of...
  10. D

    Photographers - help!

    Do feel a bit left out of this discussion! Been using Pentax kit since the 1960s, and my comically old fashioned K30 DSLR with a Tamron zoom does all I will ever need. Can even use screw thread Pentax lenses if necessar! Have also got a little Fuji X20 which has a proper viewfinder and so can...
  11. D

    Moving a 320Kg bandsaw?

    320kg does sound a heck of a lot! Have never weighed my Startrite 352, but can move that around fairly easily. Out of interest, how did you get that weight - it's a bit beyond your usual bathroom scales!
  12. D


    But so nice to find a controversial thread which is (mainly) non-political but relevant to woodworkers! I began to despair of humanity reading the stuff about Trump, Starmer etc,
  13. D

    Coffee beans recommendation?

    Interesting that most of the replies to this thread are from Englandshire. We do actually have some excellent coffee suppliers up here in the wilds of North East Scotland. Bennachie Coffee in Banchory do a very nice one (to my taste, but I'm no connoiseur) called Highland Blend. We also have...
  14. D

    Can I make all usual structures with just wood from my small woodland?

    At our last house, I was growing an apricot up the side wall of the garage, but decided to enlarge the garage, so moved the apricot out into the garden. Supported it with a willow stake. The apricot died, but the willow flourished. (and as an aside, we had the best crop of apricots we've ever...
  15. D

    How can I put a dozen or so old tyres to use?

    Interesting. So how ARE these things done? Does it only work with crossplies?