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  1. dephill

    Cheap workbench :-)

    I don’t think their target market includes woodworkers.
  2. dephill

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Sausage rolls I reckon. 🤤
  3. dephill

    New project for work

    So many opinions online, I can’t say I’ve any long term experience. The fence I put up in the summer like that is still standing but I’ll get back to you in 20years re. rotten posts! My thoughts are that if you assume water will seep down there somehow between post and concrete, it’s better to...
  4. dephill

    New project for work

    I’m sure you know already but make sure you fill the bottom of your holes with a couple/few inches of gravel (tamped down) before you drop the posts in and postcrete. Then they won’t sit in water.
  5. dephill


    I’m in your camp I think, although my thumbs are still okay for now (let’s not talk about my big toes, mind. Although they’re less important for sharpening!) I need a jig, takes the stress out of it and eases my slight ocd. When you say climbing do you mean rocks or for work?
  6. dephill

    Catch for "cupboard" door for exterior use

    I’d say a magnet catch is probably best so to make it as low effort as possible for people to close it properly, maybe with a spring or counterbalance so it closes itself.
  7. dephill

    The joy Of Citric Acid

    I may be mistaken but I believe you’re supposed to use washing soda not baking soda. I think you then end up with less acidity, or even a weak alkali but it is a chelating agent which causes rust particles to seperate but shouldn’t etch anything. Or that might have been a typo and you meant to...
  8. dephill

    New Diesel & Petrol Ban

    I may show my lack of up to date knowledge or my naïveté here but I as I understand it kier and some others have accepted tickets, clothes, eyewear totalling a few (tens of) grand, and mostly (! lol) properly declared it. The tories on the other hand have handed out billions in ppe contracts and...
  9. dephill

    Bent lamination - kiln dried oak.

    Thanks for the response. Yes, I thought a drawing would obvs help, I’ll get on it when back from hols. Nick
  10. dephill

    Bent lamination - kiln dried oak.

    Hello, just resurrecting this thread as there seem to be some relative bent wood experts around. I’m planning to make some curved oak steps in a quarter circle for the garden to match the oak sleeper walls I’m currently installing. The structure will probably be galvanised steel but the treads...
  11. dephill

    Wooden nails? Who’d of thunk it?

    I guess anywhere you might want a better finish look than a standard steel nail? Although probably non structural. I notice in the video he says 4x pullout strength but doesn’t mention shear strength. I guess you could use for fencing, decking, timber cladding….?
  12. dephill

    Wooden nails? Who’d of thunk it?

    Really cool how they show the lignin welding effect by trying to finish hammering in the nail shot halfway in.
  13. dephill

    Wooden nails? Who’d of thunk it?

    Friction welding is a thing, friction is what does the melting. The idea with these is that the lignin in the wood and the (added) lignin in the nails melts due to the friction of the nail penetrating the wood. When it sets again the pullout strength is (apparently) 4x as strong as the...
  14. dephill

    Wooden nails? Who’d of thunk it?

    Similar looks and function but very different process. No drilling, no glue, just shot out of a nail gun and “lignin welded” in the process.
  15. dephill

    Wooden nails? Who’d of thunk it?

    Just saw this short on YouTube, Pretty cool! Not looked into them any further yet mind.