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    Delaney replied to the thread Joe Biden drops out.
    I’ve explained how we are responsible. Birth decline is exponential. It’s not a case of going down gradually.
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    Delaney replied to the thread Joe Biden drops out.
    The pettiness of the insults are interesting, given that the people making them, see that as one of the main characteristics they...
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    Delaney reacted to Cabinetman's post in the thread Joe Biden drops out with Like Like.
    The second debate will, if it still goes ahead show that Harris is more than a bit dim, some of the things she says are cringeworthy...
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    Delaney reacted to sploo's post in the thread Joe Biden drops out with Like Like.
    That's a major problem with modern democracy though isn't it: I don't care if a political leader does or does not have charisma or a...
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    Delaney replied to the thread Joe Biden drops out.
    They don't seem too different to me. Both are in satellite pieces of land and populations, attached to a larger more powerful state. As...
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    Delaney reacted to paulrbarnard's post in the thread No Fault Evictions with Like Like.
    Pretty sure it wouldn’t suit him. If it was compulsory purchase at half market value it would suit him better I think.
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    Delaney reacted to monster's post in the thread No Fault Evictions with Like Like.
    You are not making sense.
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    Delaney reacted to Ozi's post in the thread No Fault Evictions with Like Like.
    How does under funding make someone to stupid / lazy to close the door on a rat proof cupboard?
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    Delaney reacted to deema's post in the thread No Fault Evictions with Like Like.
    If I am, I won’t destroy a rental, that’s the point. I wouldn’t be a reckless silly person and expect someone else to pay for my foolish...
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    Delaney reacted to deema's post in the thread No Fault Evictions with Like Like.
    If you are a problem tenant, you absolutely deserve to be in the park bench! Sort yourself out, live a decent life and don’t expect...
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    Delaney reacted to Phil Pascoe's post in the thread No Fault Evictions with Like Like.
    A relative told me years ago he had worked on huge council estates in the Midlands in the '50s. The houses were primitive, they weren't...
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    Delaney replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    If you destroy the majority to save the minority, you’ve done far more damage than any good. I call it the ‘life raft’ problem. At some...
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    Delaney replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
    Never Every institution, pension fund, insurance fund, the city and government are up to the eyeballs in real estate. If prices...
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    Delaney reacted to monster's post in the thread No Fault Evictions with Like Like.
    The hate comes from the far left whose real agenda is driven by spite and envy of those who 'have' - they dress it up as empathy for the...
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    Delaney reacted to Terry - Somerset's post in the thread No Fault Evictions with Like Like.
    The banking and financial crisis 2008 was a major driver for increased BTL investment. Many experienced the failure of pensions...