Recent content by Damien Wright

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  1. Damien Wright

    Best place to buy timber in the north west (wigan area)

    I've just realised that 'trafford timber' is illingworth, or at least that is the website the link takes me too, so considering that a few of you have mentioned that supplier I'll definitely give them a try, thank you.
  2. Damien Wright

    Best place to buy timber in the north west (wigan area)

    I just had a quick search of where you mentioned, it seems the silva place has permanently closed, But the illingworth place looks promising, it seems they have douglas fir which is a bonus, thank you for bringing that to my attention, although I really hate websites that don't show available...
  3. Damien Wright

    Best place to buy timber in the north west (wigan area)

    Thank you for the suggestions, I will probably end up using those places, they are a bit of a drive away, but since I have no closer options as of now I'm glad there is at least a couple of choices, As for the cedar pickets, do we just not have access to those 150mm boards that the Americans...
  4. Damien Wright

    Best place to buy timber in the north west (wigan area)

    I've been a fabricator for over 25 years now, and a lot of my work involves some woodworking to add some class to the projects, buying steel, aluminium, brass, zinc, copper and stainless is easy, buying good quality wood is almost impossible! I always end up at BnQ or savoy timber, both of which...
  5. Damien Wright

    First post and saying HI

    This is a solid brass bar gantry I did last year and some bar stools just out of mild steel
  6. Damien Wright

    First post and saying HI

    As requested, a few products I made over the last couple of years at work, but all the product designs are owned by my employers. Some solid brass, aluminium and copper
  7. Damien Wright

    First post and saying HI

    Yeah they are very complicated, but it means she won't need separate drawer cabinets for her clothes so it saves a lot of space, same messy room situation too so it should be easier for her to keep it clean. I have pictures of the design on my laptop so I'll post them the next time I'm on there...
  8. Damien Wright

    First post and saying HI

    Ouch, that's a proper splinter haha, Wood prices are ridiculous these days so I don't blame you for not having made that table by now, it's one of a few reasons I went with spruce for my lads bed. I'll upload some pics of some of the stuff I've made at work shortly
  9. Damien Wright

    First post and saying HI

    Yeah the loft bed I'm building is for a double mattress, so a proper design and set of drawings on fusion 360 was needed, she'd go mad if it collapsed 😂. But with the size of the rooms in our house she needs the extra floor space that allows, I like the idea of them as she can have her desk and...
  10. Damien Wright

    First post and saying HI

    Now why would you want to be one of us? 😂
  11. Damien Wright

    First post and saying HI

    Thanks, it took way longer than it should have 😆, their timber is bobbins. I wanted to use some nice hardwoods and give it a lot nicer looking design, but I really struggle to find good suppliers near me so it seemed wasted time putting any more effort into a spruce bed. Especially since my son...
  12. Damien Wright

    First post and saying HI

    I'm a welder/fabricator by trade, have been for over 22 years, but always had a love of woodworking since watching norm abram with my father when I was younger. So after finding this forum I thought I'd add a few pics of a bed I made for my son. When he was ready to move on from the cot around 1...