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    Cozzer replied to the thread Sharps....
    Thought I'd cracked it for a minute! A glass jar was suggested by the council rep, which can then be thrown in the burgundy bin. But...
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    Cozzer replied to the thread Sharps....
    I'd be shot, putting anything like that in our green bin! I've just re-checked the local reg's for what goes in which bin, and the only...
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    Cozzer replied to the thread Sharps....
    You have a metal recycling bin? Or are you suggesting I find a scrap yard who'll take them?
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    Cozzer replied to the thread Sharps....
    Indeed. Sanity... I keep hearing myself saying that the world's gone mad! In another post on here I wrote about witnessing some...
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    Cozzer posted the thread Sharps... in General Woodworking.
    Rang my local chemist... "Do you have a sharps box, please?" "Do you have some sharps?" The sarcastic side of me wanted to say "No, of...
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    Cozzer replied to the thread Joke Thread 5.
    I remember reading that cricketer David Gower was actually able to do that! (Perhaps an in-joke, though...)
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    Cozzer reacted to Jacob's post in the thread "Best" compound for leather strop? with Haha Haha.
    Well you could use a brick if that's all you had. Not necessarily any old brick, you might have to sort through them a bit! Yes "few"...
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    Cozzer replied to the thread Is this a Hobbies fret saw?.
    How fantastic is that?! Less than 3 hours, and Mr.Scrimper not only knows the answer, but has bothered to reply!
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    Cozzer replied to the thread Wos this then, gang?.
    Yes, soft. I'm cutting some with a scalpel, and to stop it tearing I've taped the underside. Not particularly fine grained though...
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    Cozzer reacted to stuckinthemud's post in the thread "Best" compound for leather strop? with Haha Haha.
    Another vote for Autosol, cream NOT liquid - put liquid on a buffing wheel and you’ll find out how I know this…,
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    Cozzer replied to the thread Wos this then, gang?.
    No, nor me, hence the question. I got 5 pieces of it in a mixed box of burr veneers, but no indication as to what woods they are. Some...
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    Cozzer replied to the thread Wos this then, gang?.
    More South America to me, Bingy man, but I've had a brace of Guinness this lunchtime, so you may well be right!
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    Cozzer reacted to Vulcan's post in the thread Wos this then, gang? with Haha Haha.
    Tree Wood sitting on some 4” stone tiles? Ok, I’ll get me coat … 🤣
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    Cozzer reacted to kinverkid's post in the thread "Best" compound for leather strop? with Thanks Thanks.
    I have one of my bench grinders permanently set up with a felt wheel and a mop that runs in reverse because I use them for other...