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  • Cobbs
    Cobbs replied to the thread Petrolhead changes his mind.
    Of course, the guy in the video hasn't actually changed his mind. From what he says, he views the EV as just a tool for work, his ICE...
  • Cobbs
    Cobbs reacted to Ozi's post in the thread Joke Thread 5 with Like Like.
    "Great chieftain o the puddin race" With apologies to all Scott's I cannot stop thinking this is how Donald Trump should now be known...
  • Cobbs
    Cobbs reacted to Robbo3's post in the thread Joke Thread 5 with Like Like.
    The American President is visiting a Glasgow hospital. He enters a ward full of patients with no obvious sign of injury or illness, He...
  • Cobbs
    Cobbs reacted to RobinBHM's post in the thread Freedom of speech... with Like Like.
    The rise of populism has coincided with the rise of the ability to spread lies faster than the truth can catch up. When somebody can...
  • Cobbs
    I wonder why anyone would want to - surely the attraction of a wood bowl is the wood? If you want something that looks like plastic...
  • Cobbs
    Cobbs replied to the thread Commission piece.
    Sycamore was the traditional wood for use in the dairy, as it will take washing on a regular basis without coming to harm, is tasteless...
  • Cobbs
    Cobbs replied to the thread Commission piece.
    I'd try to get hold of some sycamore - it's got a closed grain, where ash would tend to hold the dough in its coarser structure. I also...
  • Cobbs
    Cobbs replied to the thread What would you do with this?.
    If any softwood is properly dried, it will not cause problems with a flue, as long as the flue is kept hot enough in use and is well...
  • Cobbs
    Cobbs replied to the thread What would you do with this?.
    That's why you dry it first, to get rid of the sap. If you mean the resin will condense, not if it's burnt properly.
  • Cobbs
    The sheets should have some stated life, so find out what that is first - if it's reasonable and you want to use them, then do so...
  • Cobbs
    Cobbs replied to the thread I carved a whale.
    In fairness, I doubt Grinling Gibbons was born with the ability to carve - it's a learning curve and we're all at different points along...
  • Cobbs
    Cobbs reacted to Phill05's post in the thread I carved a whale with Like Like.
    As it's for a baby be mindful how smooth and what finish you put on it as the first thing he/she will do is put it in it's mouth.
  • Cobbs
    Cobbs replied to the thread I carved a whale.
    I think the short grain on the tail may become a problem, but show us when it's finished...
  • Cobbs
    Cobbs reacted to Cozzer's post in the thread Joke Thread 5 with Like Like.
    Can I ask... Why do people repeat the jokes/cartoons that appeared here only a few days ago? Do they see it once, forget where they've...
  • Cobbs
    Cobbs reacted to selectortone's post in the thread Sharpening Trick for bread knives with Like Like.
    I'll have to ask the butler.