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  • Chubber
    Chubber replied to the thread Un-Urning.
    Decorative strappy hinges? I have never seen hinges on an urn. A faux lock key hole? Make it look like a little treasure chest? Nice...
  • Chubber
    Chubber replied to the thread Right to left measuring ruler?.
    It has always seemed to me to be counterintuitive that expanding tapes pull from left to right so that they force the user to use their...
  • Chubber
    Chubber replied to the thread Un-Urning.
    This is really off-track, but I recently spilt some red 'T-Cut Nanotechnology' scratch remover on my crosscut sledge, made from beech...
  • Chubber
    Chubber replied to the thread Red Warning - Storm Darragh.
    Despite the warnings to avoid coastal areas the local news featured families on North Devon sea fronts WITH THEIR OFFSPRING!
  • Chubber
    Chubber reacted to Vulcan's post in the thread One Farmers point of view with Like Like.
    The microbiome of the cow is without doubt one of the most truly amazing examples of natures perfections. It possesses the ability to...
  • Chubber
    Chubber replied to the thread One Farmers point of view.
    Think also of the effect of the former high antibiotic use in cattle...cow pats that took too long to decompose, wouldn't support...
  • Chubber
    Chubber reacted to Jaco's post in the thread Joke Thread 5 with Like Like.
    A man boarded an airplane and took his seat. As he settled in, he glanced Up and saw the most beautiful woman boarding the plane. He...
  • Chubber
    Just certain headlights as in 'Gosh! Those are bright...' exacerbated by wet roads and rain on the windscreen. On the whole street...
  • Chubber
    Thank you both for your input. I should have said that I do not need to wear spectacles for driving since having bilateral cataract...
  • Chubber
    Having just returned from trip to Scotland which by necessity involved driving at night, (something I now do infrequently), I found I...
  • Chubber
    Chubber reacted to Vulcan's post in the thread Joke Thread 5 with Like Like.
  • Chubber
    This route involves the expenditure of many SLW tokens (Scottish Laughing Water)
  • Chubber
    How about making a mild steel dog leg with a tang that fits a handle nicely, cutting off a chisel with a disc cutter and, having fettled...
  • Chubber
    Chubber replied to the thread Joke Thread 5.
    Duct tape can't fix stupid, but it can keep it quiet....
  • Chubber
    Look at 'Nilfisk'. I have the Aero 260 model I am very pleased with, used with a cyclone. Full 3m hose and 4m cable. Available direct...