Recent content by Cactushands

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  1. C

    New Large Slab Levelling/Milling Table

    I saw a guy making/selling these sleds on ebay for around 300, is this the base set up you got by any chance? Wondering if the quality and stability is enough (it has 20mm rails as well, and yours seems to function well. Cheers
  2. C

    Clear finish for exterior Larch benches

    All the sikkens i see is satin or gloss if they have mat version then i would be up for trying
  3. C

    Clear finish for exterior Larch benches

    Varnish is frustrating to repair as it often flakes but tung oil is interesting perhaps. dont know much about it for outdoors. Thanks
  4. C

    Clear finish for exterior Larch benches

    Hello, I am building a couple of benches in larch and am looking for a good durable finish. Uv protection and water resistance also important. I hope to delay the greying for a few years at least. Garden is semi-shaded. I want to keep the grain and variation of colour of larch so i want a...
  5. C

    Sealer for Shou Sugi Ban

    Hi guys, a slight hijack to the thread but wondering if beech is a suitable wood for this technique? I know soft pine is usually the way to go but i have already made a stool from beech and so am stuck with that… never done it before but hoping it should blacken at the very least right? Also, to...
  6. C

    Saw and plane from Germany
  7. C

    Saw and plane from Germany

    Yes, these planes are great. Ece wood planes Sometimes come up on ebay, one ending today in fact. You can also find stuff like this(hatagane clamps too) on, had great experiences here and seems to be the european stockist of axminster stuff. Interested to try the saw one day too
  8. C

    Router table project

    Hello, i have just stumbled across this thread having been given a Mac Allister table exactly like yours above. It is old and i am looking routers that would fit the (rather basic) attachment options for this table. Could you let me know how you did it? Was it designed for a certain router...