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  1. C

    Wadkin FM24” Planer Restoration

    Good old fashioned no nonesense quality engineering, it’s a joy to see it so I can only think how much fun you’re going to have using it. "You’re a very lucky boy"
  2. C

    Trying to identify small stone carvings

    The kiln spikes, I’m sorry I don’t know the correct term, have stopped being used as there is a different way nowadays. If you look on the underside of old plates etc you can often see 3 marks where the plate was sat on spikes like those to melt the glaze in the kiln. I’m sure someone will be...
  3. C

    How to make the lid/top and not screw up mitres

    So sorry, I should have thought before saying something. I lost my Dad, it’s a blow when it happens.
  4. C

    [Help needed] How to clean and repair this brick retaining wall

    To be perfectly honest, I’m sorry I don’t know. I think you need to look at the mortar, if it’s the old Lime type you should stick with the same.
  5. C

    [Help needed] How to clean and repair this brick retaining wall

    Just read the other day that a lot of that spalling is the result of soft bricks and people repointing with the wrong mortar, should be lime mortar on those old hand made bricks, I took this picture the other day as it shows the folding of the clay within the brick as it was thrown into the box. Ian
  6. C

    How to make the lid/top and not screw up mitres

    You can’t leave it there! What why and how please!
  7. C

    Selling advice

    "shame the op has not replied or acknowledged / answered some of the questions" Yes it happens a lot, I find it very irritating, and a quick look shows he was on today, I did get a like so that’s something I suppose.
  8. C

    Flooring options for existing workshop

    Fraid he’s right especially if that’s a push block! Puts you right next to the blade! Sorry.
  9. C

    Flooring options for existing workshop

    Good to hear thanks, nice to have a door from the house, saves letting all the cold in.
  10. C

    Flooring options for existing workshop

    That looks good Tom, had a look and are they 7mm thick solid PVC. not sure exactly what that’s like, is there any chance of wheels leaving an indentation? Also does it feel better under foot? And warmer? Ian Edit, is that the manual winder for a shutter style garage door in the photo? Just to...
  11. C

    Trying to identify small stone carvings

    I may be completely off course but I suspect they are to do with pottery, the things that look like thick nails could have been used as stilts in the kiln - stops the glaze sticking the pot to the shelf, and a long shot but the carved pieces may have been pushed into the clay to imprint the...
  12. C

    How to make the lid/top and not screw up mitres

    I think I would gently break the corner joints, presuming they are just mitres, put it in the vice so that the vice is touching two opposite corners and squeeze. Any glue can be planed off, I don’t imagine making the box a few shavings smaller will matter? Ian
  13. C

    Refelt or other cover my 8 x 16 shed roof?

    Mine done this year in flame torch top quality bitumen rolls, the last one lasted 30+ years, I wouldn’t have anything else! 45’ x 15’ £1800 fitted inc material cost of £500, all praise to you at 80 wanting to do it yourself !! I’m only! 69 and quite happy to hand it on to a younger roofer...
  14. C

    Joke Thread 4

    Sorry just had to say,. We are definitely all doomed!
  15. C


    Only 9 years late lol, I wondered why the photos wouldn’t open. Still a useful book to have. Easy done though with the historical, "similar threads" at the bottom of the page. Ian