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  1. B

    Boots! recomendations

    Bucklers for me every time. I have 2 pairs, one with steel toecaps for building work and another 'Sunday' pair without toecaps. Wore my last pair out after about 5 years' heavy work.
  2. B

    Advice needed - how best to shift a seized hex bolt

    As Chubber says, diesel might do it, or better still transmission fluid mixed with nail varnish remover. My favourite, though,would be to turn the mower on its side (bolt head up), heat up the bolt head (with hot water if you can't use a direct flame) , then get a candle and hold it on the head...
  3. B

    Wood burning stoves tested to destruction

    A friend and I made a very heavy duty rocket stove for my workshop. I've not installed it yet but we lit it outdoors and it seemed to work well. It's the 'mass heater' design with a capped lid so there's not much heat wasted going up the chimney. Yes it does look a bit industrial but it'll boil...
  4. B

    Door frame gaps plus jamb & head rebate sizes etc.

    Thanks very much Glossop Guy for the suggestion of a 3mm gap. That was something I wasn't too sure about. Very helpful.
  5. B

    Door frame gaps plus jamb & head rebate sizes etc.

    Thanks for the additional comments. Interestingly, it's a Victorian door, which is 4ft wide, which I'm replacing. The door pictured was apparently made by 'Timber Windows of Horsham' for a couple called Mr & Mrs Venn, of Pulborough. I'm not really here to agree or disagree with the timber-type...
  6. B

    Door frame gaps plus jamb & head rebate sizes etc.

    It's meranti with a light oak stain.
  7. B

    Door frame gaps plus jamb & head rebate sizes etc.

    I get that yes, but this one (on left) has similar proportions (1.2m wide & 2.2m high). I think we can probably live with that. Not so keen on the side panel to be honest. Thanks again.
  8. B

    Door frame gaps plus jamb & head rebate sizes etc.

    Thanks to everyone for your contributions. The doors are to be for domestic use and will be inward opening but, since the project is a stable conversion, I want to make them stable door type. I was going to try and make use of the existing stiles that came as part of the package I've bought...
  9. B

    Door frame gaps plus jamb & head rebate sizes etc.

    Thanks for your input Agent Zed. I've always used plant on stop beads on internal doors but this is my first foray into the world of exterior ones so I'm taking baby steps at present. Hence the need for advice.
  10. B

    Door frame gaps plus jamb & head rebate sizes etc.

    Thanks very much for your reply Johnnyb. Sorry I mistakenly put 'mitre' instead of 'rebate' in my last sentence, (I was thinking that stop beads would be mitred). I've just edited my post to change that. I went with walnut because I'd read that, while not being the best timber for resisting...
  11. B

    Door frame gaps plus jamb & head rebate sizes etc.

    Good afternoon. As part of a stable conversion I'm making a couple of exterior stable doors and frames from some lovely well-seasoned walnut which I've recently bought. I'm just working things out prior to making a cutting list and have a few questions for you experienced contributors if that's...
  12. B

    Hand Tool Wall Cabinet

    From the grain on the front and inside the top I'd suggest either pitch pine or Columbian pine, which are quite similar to one another. Pitch pine is especially difficult to get hold of nowadays but in the 19th & 20th centuries it was used a lot for staircases, doors etc. As you probably know...
  13. B

    Wood stove idea

    I'm planning to build and fit a rocket stove in my workshop with a single-skinned flue pipe (with suitable fireproof protection of combustible materials of course) adapted to a twin wall flue where it goes through the roof and with capped twin wall flue thereon up. There'll also be a heatproof...
  14. B

    Khan's ULEZ scam >road charging

    Don't get me wrong. I'm in favour of cleaner air. I just think there should be a fairer system of enforcing it. How can people who don't know they're doing wrong take evasive action.? Perhaps a 'first instance' warning might be more appropriate rather than a hefty fine. A few years ago we were...
  15. B

    Khan's ULEZ scam >road charging

    PLG on my V5. 1998 Hilux Pickup, not plated, not imported, always been PLG.