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  1. B

    Engineered wood flooring - concrete floor prep

    I checked the radon map of the UK and it seems we are in the lowest rated (<1% affected) area, so some relief if it is in fact a radon barrier!
  2. B

    Engineered wood flooring - concrete floor prep

    So I found this today, the same yellow material and white tape by the front door at the other end of the hallway. It is already split :confused:.
  3. B

    Engineered wood flooring - concrete floor prep

    In the meantime, I have asked the builder for plans or information.
  4. B

    Engineered wood flooring - concrete floor prep

    Thanks HOJ. You could be right, especially as what is underneath looks like blockwork, and it does run in line with an internal block wall. Seems odd though that maybe it ends half across the doorway at the white tape, as the concrete after that seems very solid like the rest of the floor. If...
  5. B

    Engineered wood flooring - concrete floor prep

    There are no obvious pipes or cables, or a reason for any. The detector beeped at the red and blue locations in the photo. Red is under the white tape, blue could be from fixings in the door frame, but can't tell. I don't know how to build houses, but it seems strange to have a service emerge...
  6. B

    Engineered wood flooring - concrete floor prep

    Hi Bingy man, I removed a lot of the loose concrete. I can't tell what this is. The yellow plastic isn't tight fitting over whatever lays beneath, which seems hard and not hollow when tapped. The yellow plastic seems to go down vertically from the top surface, rather than horizontal. There...
  7. B

    Engineered wood flooring - concrete floor prep

    Thanks Bingy man, great advice as I hadn't considered something might be concealed under that cracked section.
  8. B

    Engineered wood flooring - concrete floor prep

    Thanks HappyHacker. You're right, I've been looking at this the wrong way round, trying to determine the correct process and then selecting the products, but selecting the adhesive, and working back from what it recommends would be better.
  9. B

    Engineered wood flooring - concrete floor prep

    Thanks Chubber, I am a frequent over-thinker! But I've been under the impression that a herringbone floor needed to be glued down.
  10. B

    Engineered wood flooring - concrete floor prep

    Thanks Cabinetman. That does look like a great solution, although I'm laying smallish herringbone boards (350mm x 80mm), and I'm not sure how it would go trying to keep boards in place while peeling the film back?
  11. B

    Engineered wood flooring - concrete floor prep

    Hello! Only tangentially wood working related, but I will be installing a glued-down herringbone engineered wood floor in our hallway. I've taken the carpet up to check the concrete floor beneath and have some questions that I hope the clever people here can help with. The skirting boards and...
  12. B

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    A desk for my 7 year old daughter. I reused a chest of drawers I made a few years ago, and made the desktop and other leg out of oak. Finished with Osmo polyx raw. First time using plugs to fill a few voids and threaded inserts to attach the top to the leg and drawers. She now has a nicer desk...
  13. B

    How would you wall mount this?

    6 months later they are finally on the wall! I went with a combination of scholar's suggestion for a batten at the bottom, and some brass brackets at the top. I used 4mm dominoes in the batten to locate and hold the box. I decided not to use brass screws in the wall, as I couldn't face...
  14. B

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Thanks Max Power, I'm pleased to say she was. It was quite fiddly to spray, and I said to my wife I'm never spraying anything like that again. My other daughter has now asked for one too, although she asked if it can be big enough for her to get in :ROFLMAO:
  15. B

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    For her birthday, my daughter wanted a bunk bed for her dolls. Loathed to buy more plastic, I succeeded in getting the commission to make one. Pine and MDF, spray painted.