Recent content by AutoDoc Williams

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  1. AutoDoc Williams

    Workshop replacement strip lights

    I use these 8' LED tubes and am very happy. The only trouble is that I'm in the US and I don't know if they are available with the appropriate input voltage in the UK.
  2. AutoDoc Williams

    Help please

    Guessing here... The lumber looks like Ash as mentioned earlier. First of all, that particular guitar is made from 2 book-matched pieces to get that symmetrical look (but you probably knew that). Here's where the guesswork comes in. I would sand to maybe 120 grit and thoroughly clean the...
  3. AutoDoc Williams

    Snipe with no known way to fix - Axminster AP260SPT

    Agree that a good planer (Yank here) shouldn't render any snipe on either end and there's likely a fix for it, BUT...I always apply a little upward pressure on the inboard side of the board until the 2nd feed roller grabs it, and then walk around to the outfeed side and do the same before the...
  4. AutoDoc Williams

    Emergency stop and VFD

    Old steel mill controls guy here. E-stops are for electrical disconnects. They keep the poor user from being electrocuted. To protect against the mechanical gear killing the operator , a fast-stop (F-Stop) is what you're after when there's a VFD in the circuit. An F-Stop is an input to the...
  5. AutoDoc Williams

    Thin 0.25mm guitar string type wire

    Go to and hunt up .009 or .010 guitar strings.
  6. AutoDoc Williams

    What should I do with a WW2 12 cylinder magneto

    My retired aircraft restorer friend has forwarded this information to a current restorer at the museum, but he says unless they need one now, they will probably not be interested. That being said, once a Smithsonian airplane guy finds out that there's an old piece of history out there, he's...
  7. AutoDoc Williams

    What should I do with a WW2 12 cylinder magneto

    I have a friend who used to be an aircraft restorer at the USA's Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. I'll drop him a line to see if knows anyone.
  8. AutoDoc Williams

    Help me with my first ever mig welds, why do they look like Swiss cheese and will I ever improve (cry for help after being demolished on Reddit)

    Do whatever you did on that upper right weld. Just keep trying and messing with speeds and voltages. Also understand that the thickness of whatever you're welding will require that you fiddle with those speeds and Volts again. You'll get it, just keep practicing.
  9. AutoDoc Williams

    CNC for kitchen cabinets

    That's what I thought too, but for panel jobs like what you're doing I'd be out in the driveway with a circular saw and a straightedge. I just finished a pantry cabinet for the missus and the only thing I used the CNC (Shapeoko 4XXL) for were the fronts of the internal drawers to ensure...
  10. AutoDoc Williams

    Five favourite quotes.

    Applies to most woodworkers: Perfection is the enemy of good enough. Voltaire
  11. AutoDoc Williams

    Five favourite quotes.

    If force doesn't work, you're not using enough. (Unknown steel mill millwright)
  12. AutoDoc Williams

    Hello from USA

    Done! I tacked it onto the end our your thread, and may I say that your thread there is the finest thread of its kind ever written and thanks to ALL who replied in it. This kinda thing is what the internet was made for. P. S. Somewhere in the thread is a parts explosion, and that seems to be...