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  • Amplidyne
    Amplidyne replied to the thread What the h*ll?.
    Sort of looks like a new build as well. Stickers on that (Landing?) window, and another building with scaff in the background. It all...
  • Amplidyne
    Amplidyne replied to the thread Chester 920 traverse issue.
    Those "flat spring" type shields are available as an aftermarket thing for most lathes I think. Just brushing the leadscrew down after...
  • Amplidyne
    Amplidyne reacted to ChaiLatte's post in the thread Chester 920 traverse issue with Like Like.
    Any gunk on the leadscrew will not come from the carriage. It will be swarf falling onto the leadscrew from above where you are cutting...
  • Amplidyne
    Amplidyne replied to the thread Chester 920 traverse issue.
    As ChaiLatte says, it sounds more like either a problem with muck on the leadscrew itself, or with the saddle movement sticking...
  • Amplidyne
    Amplidyne replied to the thread Sharps....
    Yeah, but the person at the council was getting paid for it. . .
  • Amplidyne
    Amplidyne replied to the thread Motor Brushes.
    I usually clamp them lightly in soft jaws, and file them. Don't see any objection to how you do it really, sand or file. They're pretty...
  • Amplidyne
    Amplidyne replied to the thread What about Cascamite?.
    It is, as always in a private setting, up to the individual what PPE they choose to wear. I remember someone writing to (I think) "The...
  • Amplidyne
    I've just been looking. TBH, it looks more as if it's a "220V motor", which makes me think it runs at about whatever the (rectified)...
  • Amplidyne
    Amplidyne replied to the thread What about Cascamite?.
    Been a while since I used it, but I don't remember Cascamite having a particularly long open time. Also you need to wear gloves when...
  • Amplidyne
    Amplidyne reacted to artie's post in the thread Joke Thread 5 with Like Like.
  • Amplidyne
    Amplidyne replied to the thread File or use a Dremel,,?.
    Trouble is with stainless is it's hard to work. However you do it is going to be a pain. As suggested a step drill or cone drill might...
  • Amplidyne
    Amplidyne reacted to Jake's post in the thread What is this "E. J. BROOKS" contraption? with Like Like.
    Sounds like it is for anti=tamper seals, probably a disk of lead to squeeze around a loop of wire holding whatever shut (here eg eletric...
  • Amplidyne
    Amplidyne replied to the thread YouTube.
    Simon's Cat is worth watching if you like cats. A lot of the "how to" content is over verbose, and is often irrelevant in the UK anyway...
  • Amplidyne
    Google the name and it says they're security seal makers. So they're security seal pliers.
  • Amplidyne
    Amplidyne replied to the thread portable chisel storage.
    I must say that living in a damp part of the country, I'm not keen on any storage made from organic materials, not matter how nice it...