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    Amplidyne reacted to Dr Al's post in the thread 3D and cad with Like Like.
    DesignSpark is quite severely limited so I always advise against it. In particular, it doesn't allow (without paying extra) the ability...
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    Amplidyne reacted to decas's post in the thread Electric vehicles with Like Like.
    My money is on hydrogen as well. Too many awkward problems with batteries. Dave
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    Amplidyne reacted to Woodchips2's post in the thread Electric vehicles with Like Like.
    Now that the Government has said the ban on selling petrol and diesel cars could be in 2035 or earlier I am wondering how it will affect...
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    Amplidyne replied to the thread 3D and cad.
    I use FreeCad. I like the fact that it is open source, and free. No strings "for amateur users only" etc. I could already draw with a 2D...
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    Hi, new member here. I've spent my life making and repairing things, I trained in engineering, became a maintenance electrician, then...