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    Agent_zed replied to the thread NOooo.
    Stumpy nubs never puts out videos where he is posing in a 'manly' way. Pretty much all of his videos are pictures of the workpiece or...
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    Agent_zed replied to the thread Bathroom ceiling paint peeling.
    that's interesting. I used matt paint as I tend to prefer the finish. Perhaps that worked in my favour.
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    Agent_zed reacted to MikeB1972's post in the thread NOooo with Like Like.
    Well, one of us is using youtube wrong.
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    Agent_zed reacted to Spectric's post in the thread NOooo with Like Like.
    On what, these "likes" that they want to collect ! Another mystery is why female singers think they need to be in some state of...
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    Agent_zed replied to the thread EV owners - Car Tax.
    I think this is part of the problem with EVs they are trying to make them do too much. I don't want some internet linked self driving...
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    Agent_zed replied to the thread NOooo.
    I generally avoid any woodworking/diy video with a woman in a tight top on the thumbnail. There are plenty of women who know what they...
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    Agent_zed replied to the thread Fresh conifer logs.
    Pretty sure it was similar wood that I've turned the odd christmas tree from. It's quite a light weight wood from memory so good for...
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    Agent_zed replied to the thread Bathroom ceiling paint peeling.
    Really? I can't imagine many people that would be happy to have bare plaster on their walls for 6 months. I've normally left it a week...
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    Agent_zed replied to the thread VOIP, alternatives to Skype?.
    Zoom was the one that every used during covid, we still use it at work for some meetings as it has different features to Teams.
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    Agent_zed reacted to Ollie78's post in the thread AA-AAA Batteries with Like Like.
    Non rechargable batteries are just crazy as far as I can tell. We have been using rechargeable aa and aaa batteries for years the kids...
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    I used wet and dry and then some paint rubbing compound as I happened to have some. It seems to me that on my headlights there was a...
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    Agent_zed reacted to Ollie78's post in the thread These headlight 'cleaning' hacks.... with Like Like.
    It might if only lightly oxidised but on heavier yellowing the wet and dry is needed and much quicker.
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    Agent_zed reacted to artie's post in the thread Solar panels still worth it? with Like Like.
    You need to spend a minute thinking about that.
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    Agent_zed replied to the thread Solar panels still worth it?.
    There is not actually that much in solar panels. Generally a perimeter frame of aluminium that can be recycled. Glass that is inert and...
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    Agent_zed replied to the thread AA-AAA Batteries.
    these rechargables cost me £10.99 I...