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    Agent_zed reacted to DrPhill's post in the thread Gaming PC advice? with Like Like.
    Thanks Agent-Zed, this is suggestion from PCSpecialists that I am working on. The chip has on-board graphics (which should be good...
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    Agent_zed replied to the thread Gaming PC advice?.
    Be aware that some CPU options don't have an inbuilt GPU, you need to have a separate graphics card. Oh course if a company is spec'ing...
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    Agent_zed reacted to Spectric's post in the thread Gaming PC advice? with Like Like.
    That is how I have my Pc, the SSD for the OS and programs with all work files on a WD Sata drive. I think SSD's are much improved...
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    Agent_zed replied to the thread Gaming PC advice?.
    Just for clarity for the OP, there are 2 different types of SSD's. The older type is just a direct replacement for HDD's and plug in...
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    Agent_zed reacted to Spectric's post in the thread Gaming PC advice? with Like Like.
    It is so much easier to install the OS and programs today than it once was when you had to use a disk drive and boot disk to get DOS...
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    Agent_zed replied to the thread Gaming PC advice?.
    I built my PC. I say 'built' but as mentioned by other above it is more a case of plugging bits into the holes that they are designed...
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    Agent_zed reacted to ey_tony's post in the thread Gaming PC advice? with Like Like.
    There's absolutely nothing magical about building a computer, most people could build one with simple basic knowledge of how to handle...
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    Agent_zed reacted to Ollie78's post in the thread Gaming PC advice? with Like Like.
    I have built and repaired quite a few and never had any smoke occur. To be fair it is like assembling a lego model or an airfix. You...
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    Agent_zed reacted to paulrbarnard's post in the thread Gaming PC advice? with Like Like.
    AI is the main consumer of GPU today. Interestingly NVidea lost $350B of its value yesterday because of a refined AI approach that is...
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    Agent_zed replied to the thread Shooting a plane.
    To be fair I didn't like this video as it was mostly pointless. But if you are into woodturning don't give up on his channel he is very...
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    Agent_zed reacted to dzj's post in the thread Shooting a plane with Like Like.
    I agree with what you say, it's YT, you don't like it, you move along. His presentation came across as histrionic, childish...not my...
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    Agent_zed replied to the thread Shooting a plane.
    If you can sharpen the blade. I tried to sharpen my brothers cheap plane blade. It was awful. The metal was soft and would barely take...
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    looking at the tile it looks like one of the modern flat concrete tiles that try to look a bit like slates. If so I doubt it's 100 years...
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    Agent_zed replied to the thread Weather.
    There were the highest winds on record in Ireland. 200,000 homes lost power. 3 people in the UK and 1 person in ROI died on the roads...
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    Agent_zed reacted to pe2dave's post in the thread Gaming PC advice? with Like Like.
    Your lad would learn a lot more and finish up with a better machine if he bought parts and assembled it himself. Sites such as Crucial...