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    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Sharpening conspiracy!.
      Not for the same edge angle. The rounded bevel gives you more control, it's rounded under the edge angle and effectively finer than a...
      • Screenshot 2025-03-11 at 17.04.49.png
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread SawStop Braking Mechanism.
      Anybody know of an actual sawstop user who has triggered the thing during actual normal use (e.g. without sausage) and how/why he/she...
    • Jacob
      Jacob reacted to paulrbarnard's post in the thread Sharpening conspiracy! with Wow Wow.
      When you get really flat the size of the molecules start to be a problem.
    • Jacob
      Push shoes (depending on the design) have two major disadvantages; you have reach over the workpiece to use it which shortens your reach...
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Sharpening conspiracy!.
      I might have a go at carving. I've got a Mora knife a hook knife and various gouges. I'd guess that a normal rounded bevel would be...
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Sharpening conspiracy!.
      You are talking the talk - I see that knife sharpening madness is getting to you! Why on earth would a so called "Scandi"edge produce a...
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Sharpening conspiracy!.
      On the subject of the Opinel - there are no flat surfaces on them anywhere but they sharpen very easily and very sharp, with a steel
    • Jacob
      Jacob reacted to --Tom--'s post in the thread Sharpening conspiracy! with Like Like.
      This is a really good book for those interested in the history of precision engineering...
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Sharpening conspiracy!.
      What makes you think that? You can have a sharp edge on a piece of flint! I sharpen with a rounded bevel on most things, two rounded...
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Saw stop ( USA ).
      It was a misunderstanding over something I said. Probably my fault for the way I said it!
    • Jacob
      Welcome back Jacob !
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Sharpening conspiracy!.
      Sounds good. For flattening a plane sole it'd need to be on a solid base too of course. I have actually used a lot of planes and rescued...
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Sharpening conspiracy!.
      Woodwork tools aren't rocket science! Ordinary "kitchen table" levels of flatness are good enough for most purposes. In fact a typical...
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Sharpening conspiracy!.
      Basically you do the best you can with the kit you've got. It's not a problem in the ordinary way of craft work and unattainable...
    • Jacob
      Jacob reacted to Sideways's post in the thread Saw stop ( USA ) with Like Like.
      @Jacob with no criticism offered at all, I would have agreed 110% with you before I watched the video. The thing I had never seen was...
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