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    • H
      Good point. I used the term English simply because I consider Scotland to be a totally different entiety whose local varieties are...
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      In Finland, Sweden and Norway our planes are traditionally fairly similar though different from both the German and the English...
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      I have seen those drums for sale separately........... but I have yet to see a successful relining of a worn out drum.
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      heimlaga replied to the thread Stone Dressing Hammers..
      Well done. Around here where the only local stone is granite stoneworker's tools wear so fast and must be reforged so often that it is...
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      I am a fan of spindle moulders but to me it seems a small spindle moulder has the downsides of both a router table and a spindle...
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      heimlaga replied to the thread Wadkin DN Bandsaw Restoration.
      To me it looks like the screw goes through the mount vertically with the handwheel at it's lower end. The nut should have it's flaw face...
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      I avoid screws in framing. Modern woodscrews are so hard and brittle that ever the tiniest bit of deflection or movement may cause the...
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      heimlaga replied to the thread Somerset Coal Pick Axe.
      Reforging the ends of pickaxes and digging bars is standard tool maintanance in my books. Glad you took the effort to get it right for...
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      heimlaga replied to the thread What Generator To Buy.
      According to information that has reached me from Ukraine it is a good idea to have a generator that is large enough for it's job but...
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      heimlaga replied to the thread Fine filter size.
      In many ways it comes down to what quality of filtration you want. Larger filter surface means less difference in air pressure between...
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      heimlaga reacted to sploo's post in the thread US Election November 5th with Love Love.
      Wealth equality isn't the same as opposing increases in wealth inequality. A problem with the US (and to large extents the UK) is the...
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      I have come across men in their 70-ies and one man in his early 80-ies doing onsite carpentry or bricklaying. However they have all been...
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      heimlaga reacted to TRITON's post in the thread Work so hard you cripple yourself with Like Like.
      ^^ Time and motion studies, usually devised by people who haven't done manual labour and and are in overpaid positions. It's a heartless...
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      heimlaga replied to the thread Festool Saw Stop Table saw.
      That saw was misslabeled. Certainly not a 10" AGS. That one seems larger whatever it is. And it has some long fence bars I haven't seen...
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      heimlaga replied to the thread Festool Saw Stop Table saw.
      I used my Stenberg KEV 600 combination machine in a single car garage 5,5 by 2,9 metres for years. I even made some doors and windows...
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