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    • Indiana
      So at great risk of making a complete idiot of myself and having been under a non-disclosure agreement since the summer I can now start...
    • Indiana
      Indiana reacted to HOJ's post in the thread Glue up with Like Like.
      Another suggestion, new or old Cascamite? If it's got a Polyvine label on its old, they changed the formula, it failed, I stopped using...
    • Indiana
      Indiana replied to the thread Glue up.
      It was the glue I had purchased cascamite a while back and not realised they had changed the formula. Glued up new panels with new...
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    • Indiana
      Indiana reacted to meccarroll's post in the thread Glue up with Like Like.
      You sound are experienced in woodworking so unlikly you but did you test the moisture with a meter? Case hardened kiln dried timber can...
    • Indiana
      Indiana replied to the thread Glue up.
      Timber was purchased last month been sat in the shop 2 weeks ago I cut them Machined them 10 days ago Glue up 5” either end over...
    • Indiana
      Indiana replied to the thread Glue up.
      It’s the same batch I’ve been using have a number of doors, cabinets and other furniture made with using the same glue. I’m at a loss...
    • Indiana
      Indiana replied to the thread Glue up.
      Hi all glued up last Monday. Took them out of clamps Thursday. Machined them Friday. Today gaps. All done in the worshop they...
    • Indiana
      Indiana replied to the thread Glue up.
      Been using cascamite 20 years. Done nothing different. Never experienced this before
    • Indiana
      Indiana posted the thread Glue up in Joinery & Cabinet Making.
      What’s going on here I’ve never had this happen before glue up with cascamite and a few days later the panels have started to open up 😩
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    • Indiana
      Indiana reacted to Sideways's post in the thread 16 Amp supply for bandsaw with Like Like.
      As I understand it, the 1619 tablesaw had an 1800W motor. In my own experience, 1500-1600W induction motors very rarely have issues...
    • Indiana
      Indiana replied to the thread 16 Amp supply for bandsaw.
      I can see that. And I am no spark. But this was running off the downstairs ring of a large 6 bed house (garage has a basic supply)...
    • Indiana
      Indiana replied to the thread 16 Amp supply for bandsaw.
    • Indiana
      Indiana replied to the thread 16 Amp supply for bandsaw.
      I was running a Kity 1619 for about 2 years on a 13amp socket never had an issue I’m actually surprised to hear it as the guy I sold it...
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