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    • Croolis
      Croolis replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
      Is it Noel like Xmas or Noel like Gallagher?
    • Croolis
      Croolis replied to the thread Exploding Pagers - Lebanon.
      On my many sojurns through internets forums full of the peeps trying to one-up each other, it's kind of teeth grinding to see how often...
    • Croolis
      Croolis replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
      I'll be on my best behaviour :) .
    • Croolis
      Croolis replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
      Here's some hard real world truths for ya and others, and I won't just pick on "single mums" to explain it (which itself is a very, very...
    • Croolis
      Croolis replied to the thread Gotten.
      "Loose" instead of "lose" drives me nuts, but we have to remember that for many people on the internets English isn't their first...
    • Croolis
      Croolis replied to the thread Exploding Pagers - Lebanon.
      I believe, but haven't checked (read it somewhere years ago), that the partition plan that was finally used was one originially...
    • Croolis
      Croolis reacted to RonnieI's post in the thread Exploding Pagers - Lebanon with Like Like.
      THE partition of Palestine was suggested by UNSCOP in August 1947 and was finally achieved by the UN General Assembly in November 1947...
    • Croolis
      Croolis replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
      Ohhhh kay. Thanks for your input.
    • Croolis
      Croolis replied to the thread Exploding Pagers - Lebanon.
      These statements are untrue. Destruction of a state is not genocide. Destruction of a "group" is. I guess you could argue that...
    • Croolis
      Croolis reacted to Scruples's post in the thread Exploding Pagers - Lebanon with Like Like.
      In your world, perhaps, I suppose morals are clear cut, but in the Middle East morals are defined by religion and/or the need to exist...
    • Croolis
      Croolis replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
      Explain that?
    • Croolis
      Croolis replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
      Oop, we're off on the benefits scroungers now. Are we going to do short prison sentences (special mention - the death penalty! :o )...
    • Croolis
      Croolis reacted to Sideways's post in the thread MFT and Rail Square - my thoughts with Like Like.
      My most used marking tools after the combi square are a good 600mm (and metre) steel rule and a veritas ruler stop. I set this to...
    • Croolis
      I bought a cheap rail square to use with the Macallister tracksaw I also just bought (oh that Peter Millard). All to use with making my...
    • Croolis
      Croolis replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
      Post deleted. Dunno wtf I'd want to get into that, too much coffee maybe.
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