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    • Croolis
      Croolis replied to the thread Buying a fully electric used car.
      I already described mine, 15 mile each way commute and maybe a dozen long distance trips a year. I would have no qualms getting an EV...
    • Croolis
      Croolis reacted to collingg's post in the thread Climate change policy with Like Like.
      While individual nations like the UK push forward with green policies, it reminds us how interconnected these challenges are. However...
    • Croolis
      Croolis replied to the thread Buying a fully electric used car.
      I forgot to say - there's a yard that backs onto my work that moves insurance write offs of all types of vehicles. Suspect it's the kind...
    • Croolis
      Croolis replied to the thread Climate change policy.
      I'm at work so I'm not digging into it (and TBH even if I wasn't I probably still wouldn't dig into it because I'm a lazy debater), but...
    • Croolis
      Croolis reacted to paulrbarnard's post in the thread Climate change policy with Like Like.
      The United Kingdom’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are typically reported on a territorial basis, accounting for emissions produced...
    • Croolis
      Croolis replied to the thread Steamy bathroom.
      I once rented a house with an extractor fan in the bathroom ceiling. When I went up into the loft, I found the ducting coming from it...
    • Croolis
      Croolis replied to the thread Joke Thread 5.
      Here's one for the Polish speakers. I made this up myself, and it never ceases to amaze me that when I tell it to a Pole, I always get a...
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