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    • Haywoon
      Does anyone happen to know what happened to Home of Wood, suppliers of wood turning blanks? I have used them a few times to buy blanks...
    • Haywoon
      Haywoon replied to the thread Table saw views…..
      Well two months in and so far so good. Minor niggles are: As mentioned there is a small amount of flex at the far side of the fence...
    • Haywoon
      Haywoon reacted to johnb80's post in the thread This is me!! with Like Like.
      It was suggested that I should make a post in here to introduce myself. I'm John, 70 years young, retired offshore ROV Senior Pilot and...
    • Haywoon
      Haywoon reacted to Keith Cocker's post in the thread Winter fuel Payments. with Like Like.
      What a bunch of moaners some people on this forum are. I don’t need the winter fuel allowance and never have and it can be put to better...
    • Haywoon
      Haywoon reacted to Rhossydd's post in the thread Winter fuel Payments. with Like Like.
      Not scrapped, but means tested. Seems eminently sensible not to give winter fuel payments to millionaires, especially if it means that...
    • Haywoon
      Haywoon replied to the thread Bandsaw - £1-1.8k range.
      I recently bought the Sabre 350 from Biven Machinery for my hobby workshop to upgrade from an Axminster workshop model. The build...
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