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      mondo replied to the thread The new hammer.
      My apologies. In my defense, I'm not very bright. Although I did prove to my wife that I'm smarter than she is.
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      mondo replied to the thread The new hammer.
      Judging by your description, that's not the same hammer. The one i have has a straight graphite handle with a knob on the end, the face...
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      mondo replied to the thread The new hammer.
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      mondo replied to the thread The new hammer.
      A long, long time ago in a land far away when I actually had a job, I had the same problem. I bought a Stanley Graphite hammer with the...
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      mondo posted the thread Table saw fence in General Woodworking.
      When I bought my table saw 40+ years ago I spent some time pondering which side of the blade to put the fence on for safety. I concluded...
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      mondo replied to the thread Bench grinder motor repair.
      What's wrong with asking simple questions? Isn't that one of the things that this forum is for?
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      mondo replied to the thread US Election November 5th.
      In defense of Joe Biden I think he had a tough job. He has to make consequential decisions in an uncertain world the results of which...
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      mondo replied to the thread Decorative screw ideas.
      Sex bolt would be another option
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