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    • Dovetail
      Dovetail replied to the thread Aloha!.
      I opened this, expecting to see someone from Hawaii. But Aloha to you, and welcome to the forum.
    • Dovetail
      Dovetail reacted to Inspector's post in the thread Aloha! with Like Like.
      Since when did the Scots trade in their kilts for grass skirts?🏝️🌋⛱️ Welcome anyway no matter what you like to wear. Pete
    • Dovetail
      Dovetail replied to the thread New member Alert.
      Greetings, and I hope things go well for your daughter
    • Dovetail
      Dovetail replied to the thread Scary, I'm going on the telly..
      Please let me know where I can find it once it hits the net. I'd love to see a member on TV. That's great!
    • Dovetail
      Dovetail replied to the thread Scary, I'm going on the telly..
      Congratulations on being on the show. It is impressive that you kept the secret for this long.
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